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Aha! Roadmaps

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Customize the "Key results" table on the Related tab

Who would benefit? Everyone tracking OKRs in Aha! Roadmaps What impact would it make? Allow me to customize the key result data displayed on my records How should it work? Ability to customize the "Key results" table on the Related tab
Nathaniel Collum 10 months ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration

Option to Cancel Pagination in Prioritization report

In Prioritization Reports, users reported they are not able to drag and drop an record to other pages in the report due to the existing pagination design (50 records per page). Would Aha! provide an option to cancel pagination and list all records...
Hank Liu over 1 year ago in Reports 4 Future consideration

Zendesk integration supports custom layout on ideas

Is it possible to have a custom field visible on the zendesk create idea/link form? We are starting to using a custom tag field to help identify product components. It would greatly help if we could apply categories and custom field information wh...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Integrations 9 Future consideration

Grid edit features, ideas, initiatives

When we go through planning cycles, we find ourselves updating a dozen fields for each idea or each potential initiative to help in prioritization. Our team still tend to do this in Google Sheets / Excel, because it's much faster to make the edits...
Jonathan Berg over 8 years ago in Application 3 Future consideration

Restrict ability to open or close sprints

What is the challenge? On some teams, only certain team members are allowed to start or close a sprint. Currently anyone with contributor access can open or close a sprint. What is the impact? Sprints are open or closed in error. Describe your ide...
Emily Yankush 5 months ago in Sprints 1 Future consideration

If you link an initiative to an epic, it would be nice the features linked to the epic are automatically linked to the initiative

Who would benefit? Product owners What impact would it make? Less manual work How should it work? Link epic to an initiative Pop up to link the features as well (cfr when you move an epic to another release) Without use of automation rule (no ente...
Cindy J 10 months ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Prevent epic and feature due dates being overwritten on creation by child records

Currently, if a user has set their epics or features to inherit dates from their children then when creating an epic or feature the due date is ignored and replaced with the date of the child records or is forced to be blank if no child records ex...
Biplab Panda about 2 months ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Initiative details page > Add the ability to sort initiatives by score

What is the challenge? The features board makes it possible to re-rank features by several fields. This view drives the details view order as well. We need this same capability for initiatives. What is the impact? We use initiatives prioritization...
Nathaniel Collum about 2 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Option to suppress a note's title from Knowledge page

What is the challenge? When publishing a knowledge base, some published notes designs may include the page's title. Currently, the title of the note is always displayed when displaying the note resulting in duplication. What is the impact? Duplica...
Steve C about 2 months ago in Knowledge base 1 Future consideration

Capacity quick view by team

What is the challenge? When prioritizing features using capacity per release, x-team capacity isn't taken into account by aha! What is the impact? Difficult to allocate features to releases where they may have varying team capacity requirements. D...
Guest about 2 months ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration