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Text formatting when sending to Azure Boards

When sending work items Azure Boards, bulleted lists don't work properly in Azure. If I have a bulleted list in Aha, tabbing the bulleted list in Azure does not increase the level of the bullets. It just adds tabbed space between the text and the ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Page list and search function in web notebook

It would be nice to have a menu item in the web notebook containing the page list. Also searching within the notebook should be nice, but perhaps less important when my customer can easily pick a page from the list. At this moment a user have...
Guest about 9 years ago in Presentations 3 Already exists

A pool of paid seats

Managing a large pool of seats is time consuming. Instead of trimming a list we'd like to define who can use the paid seat and then pay for a concurrent limit. So say we have 250 people in portfolio management (which could be defined by HR job rol...
Keith Mantell over 3 years ago in  1 Unlikely to implement

New user creation when using verified SSO

When somebody tries to log in who has company SSO (for example, Azure AD) authenticated, allow the creation of a new user account (no permissions, or view only permissions). This would, without integration, allow for accounts to be created for new...
Daniel Megson almost 2 years ago in Application 0 Already exists

Adjustable column widths in hierarchy reports

Within a hierarchy report, allow adjustment of each column width that is used for both display on the screen and when exporting to either a graphic or pdf. Some columns have much more data to display than others, and allowing changes to the widths...
Ryan Bradley almost 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Calculate initiative progress by feature remaining estimate

Having the ability to calculate the progress of an EPIC based on the linked features remaining estimate is great. This helps provide a very accurate progress based on the work remaining in our feature records. We currently provide progress updates...
Shawn Zenz over 3 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Ideas Portal- Colored Labels

When configuring options for choices, tags, and others, you can change the color for the labels. This currently displays for ideas within Aha!, but not on the Aha! ideas portal. (As of now they are grey default text). I just wanted to put in a req...
Dylan D'Erminio over 3 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Better Tablet and Phone experience

Some if the controls like the actions to edit or delete and not visible on the iPad and can only be used with funny workarounds. I think there is not need for a native app. It's even better and more efficient to invest more time into making it rea...
Fabian Henzler about 9 years ago in Application 1 Already exists

Need the ability to add COMMENTS to a Release Template

I need the ability to add Comments to a Release Template. By adding a static comment to a Release Template, I would be able to provide additional instructions to the end user regarding the use of the template, links to additional information, a...
Joe Carpenter over 4 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Rename release theme to release description

This would make it more clear when setting up reports, etc.
John McDonald almost 3 years ago in  1 Future consideration