Include linked ideas promoted to stories in workflow automation
Who would benefit? Anyone who promotes ideas to features What impact would it make? help automatically set feature type and automate portfolio segmentation in a less manual way How should it work When an ideas is promoted to a feature, allow the f...
11 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Automation rule to trigger a To-Do based on “Complete by date” custom field
Who would benefit? Management What impact would it make? Timeliness completion of releases How should it work? The rule would trigger a To-do for the owner on the date shown in the 'Complete by date' custom field rather than the fixed amount of da...
11 months ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Allow users to refresh all Aha! features from a linked JIRA integration.
Currently, only the changes made to a JIRA issue are sent over to Aha! through the webhooks. We should have a way to force Aha! to synchronize all descriptions and fields from JIRA for an entire release.
Alex Bartlow
about 9 years ago
in Jira
Already exists
I have just read through this article: I would like to be able to make the same possibility to be able to carr...
over 5 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
We have created an Aha Record Relationship between one workspace and another. We need the ability to pull data from both related workspaces into a report like you can do when you link a custom table. We have leveraged workspaces for several busine...
Brandon Morrell
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
We have multiple ideas portals that land in the same workspace and need to be able to use the ideas portal used (field visible only in reports: "Idea submitted portal") to run automations (for example who to assign the idea to). Currently we build...
Kristina Ursin
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
I would like to have the ability of creeating reports to show the number of mentions (@) that a specific user receives or creates so I can check how active (or requested) a person is.
Include the idea comment in the email notification to the idea creator
Add the option to include the comment made by another user in the email notification to the idea creator. Currently there are only options to include the Commenter Name, Idea Reference, and Idea Name. Our users would like to eliminate the need to ...
Doug Shum
over 3 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Add colors to Feature Cards displayed on the Kanban
For some reason all the Feature Cards in the Kanban have a white background instead of the colors associated with the status, yet the Master Feature cards in the Kanban have the colored background. (My feature cards in the Feature Board and Master...
over 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Filter out Shipped Ideas using the integration to search ideas through Salesforce
Who would benefit? Sales/Field teams What impact would it make? Significant. How should it work? As an admin, I want to filter out ideas with a specific status from the search ideas through SalesForce integration. This will make it easier for the ...
Amelia Peklar
11 months ago
in Salesforce
Already exists