We would like to create a custom role that controls who can create and edit the following: * custom fields for ideas * custom fields for workspaces * idea portals * ideas layouts * ideas forms layouts * ideas portal layouts * workspace layouts * i...
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
As the release date changes, it's hard to recreate history to figure out what the original date was along with interim dates and the final release date. It's also hard to remember the reasons for a change when it's several months later. I'd like a...
Aldon C
about 9 years ago
in Releases
Will not implement
Who would benefit? People working alongside a colleague in a whiteboard would be able to easily follow their colleague and easily collaborate and discuss together in a whiteboard. What impact would it make? Makes it easier to work with a colleague...
Max Robbins
over 1 year ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Show status for features in active releases on retrospective report
When reviewing an active release via the release retrospective report, I want to see the current status of incomplete features so I have a better sense of how close to completion they are.
Jeff Tucker
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Automatically update features end date by the end date of the release
If the feature will be moved from one release to another release, end date of the feature should be automatically updated by the end date of new release.
Kote Khutsishvili
over 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Currently you can hyperlink to ideas, features, master features, etc. via the hashtag symbol: (i.e. #MYPROJ-E-123). The result is something that looks like the attached picture. This requires that the reader either: Know the number and the content...
Michael Faust
almost 6 years ago
Already exists
Ability to create Public ideas via the Aha Ideas tab
It appears that when you create ideas from within Aha on the Ideas tab, and not within the Ideas Portal, you cannot default those ideas to be visible to all Ideas Portal users. We go in and update every Idea to be public, so it would save us a bun...
almost 6 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement