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Advanced linking

Currently you can hyperlink to ideas, features, master features, etc. via the hashtag symbol: (i.e. #MYPROJ-E-123).

The result is something that looks like the attached picture.

This requires that the reader either:

  • Know the number and the contents within

  • Click the link and have to wait for the linked item to load in another tab.

Often times someone just needs to know the title or some other aspect of the hyperlinked Aha element.

In addition to #PROJ-123 to hyperlink and display the reference number for the Aha element it would be great to have other hyperlink options such as:


Hyperlink that displays the title of the linked Aha element


Hyperlink that displays the status of the linked Aha element


Hyperlink that displays the description of the linked Aha element


Hyperlink that displays the due date of the linked Aha element


Many more fields (both custom and default) would be useful here

    Sep 27, 2024

    Thank you for the idea. This is now possible today. The status of this idea was out of date. You can #mention a record by ID or title in the text editor and right click to select the key details you want to show directly in the link. You can learn more here: Mention an Aha! record

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    • Guest
      Nov 15, 2019

      Yes would love this.  My situation is that I use Features to represent real pieces of functionality, or services, in my software I develop with Aha.  I do not want these features to be considered "done" via releases, and removed/archived from views as if they are actually tasks.  What I'm doing with my Aha set up is to try to keep all the delivered Features in various boards and views, and use the Dependency Visualizer to keep an up-to-date Feature Diagram and Map.  

      Now, when it comes time to do work on an existing feature, since the feature is in Aha already as "completed," I'd like to see the new work on the existing Feature.  For example, I need to update it.  Ideally, I'd like to somehow move the feature back to an "in progress" state, which would be called, say, "in update," add new requirements, then when those are done, update the feature back to "shipped."  I can't do this flow exactly as I am describing currently with Aha's structure.

      My workaround is going to be to do a new feature that will be linked to the old one, which again, is simply the older version of the same thing.  What I'd really like is a link type in Aha called "replaced by" or "supersedes" so the relationship displaying in Aha actually shows what is going on.  For now I will use "relates to."  In Jira, you can actually create your own link names and directions of the relationships.  So if you guys added that ability to links, my situation would be solved.  And there are numerous other uses for this type of custom link naming.


      Thanks guys for the consideration!

    • Michael Faust
      May 13, 2019

      This idea would also be tremendously useful when planning for a line of products where most use cases across the entire product line are identical.


      It would be great if for each product in the product line we could link back to a shared use case for all products.  When generating use case reports/documentation the user would see the contents rather than the link back to the shared use case.


      If you needed to update the shared use case, you could do that and have all of the use cases updated for each product.


      While working through the use cases for each product in the product line, if one or more products varied enough to force a rewrite of that particular use case you could remove the link and then rewrite that use case.