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Remove Agenda shortcut from meeting templates

What is the challenge? Currently, notes contain shortcuts for areas throughout the note but the Agenda and Notes button both take the user to the same area What is the impact? The buttons are duplicative Describe your idea Remove the Notes button
Peter Whisenant about 2 months ago in Knowledge base 0 Future consideration

Microsoft Teams Copilot Integration

Who would benefit? Product Managers What impact would it make? PdMs would benefit to have line-of-sight for updates that could impact them and their system of responsibility (“Copilot, tell me when the networking team will be upgrading their exter...
Guest 10 months ago in Wanted 0 Future consideration
134 VOTE

Integrate with ZenHub!

It looks like a promising project management kanban tool - similar to Trello, but integrated to GitHub.
Guest over 9 years ago in Integrations 9 Unlikely to implement

Improve handling in retrospective report when a completed record is added to a release

Sometimes work is completed outside of a planned release. When I pull that completed work into an active release, the release retrospective report treats it as incomplete work. Ideally, the scope of the release would not change and the newly-added...
Jeff Tucker about 1 year ago in Releases 2 Future consideration

Honor changing record type in ADO

Currently, when you change the type of record for an integrated record in ADO, it somewhat breaks the integration. Updates are still sent from Aha! to ADO but updates are not processed from ADO to Aha! It appears this scenario is supported for Jir...
Guest 27 days ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Strategic Competitor - Tag or Label

What is the challenge? Our company is very large and our product have a lot of overlaps with many companies so competitors. It's hard to quickly list the one who are competitive to a specific domain What is the impact? I spend a lot of time trying...
Guest 27 days ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Let calendar panels be affected by dashboard filters

What is the challenge? Currently, dashboard filters do not affect calendar panels ("This panel type is not compatible with dashboard filters"). What is the impact? One of our main dashboard use cases is to show a release calendar from a very broad...
Guest 27 days ago in Calendar 0 Future consideration

Use case template for POC or new feature dev

What is the challenge? What is the impact? Describe your idea solidly be able to outline use cases for a new feature or for the beginning of a POC
Guest 27 days ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Provide a list of themes for AI exploration to use

What is the challenge? AI exploration allows users to see suggested themes based on idea information. There is no way to limit or ask that ideas are fit into specific themes. What is the impact? Themes are based directly on AI suggestions. There a...
Kristina Gass 8 months ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Provide additional formatting controls to the Now, Next, Later Roadmap view, similar to Pivot Chart functionality

Who would benefit? Any user who is using the Now, Next, Later roadmap, or those who are creating their own version with a Pivot table. What impact would it make? It would allow users to more fully customize Now, Next, Later roadmap view to tailor ...
Guest 10 months ago in Roadmaps 3 Future consideration