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Improve handling in retrospective report when a completed record is added to a release

Sometimes work is completed outside of a planned release. When I pull that completed work into an active release, the release retrospective report treats it as incomplete work. Ideally, the scope of the release would not change and the newly-added work would appear in the "Completed record" column.

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    • Steve Dagless
      Dec 21, 2023

      For our organisation, this is a very important change. Work in a release that is completed needs to appear in the completed records section. The current behaviour will result in confusion and difficult conversations about why the data is like it is, derailing the focus from the agenda of a retrospective.

      Obviously, we don't have insight into the rationale for the current implementation and perhaps there is good reason for it to be the way it is, but without that insight, we see this as a bug not an idea request. Our teams are excited to use the retrospective report but will not with this limitation.

      Looking forward to when we can get going.

    • Guest
      Dec 11, 2023

      Hello - for me this ticket is very important since the report shall reflect the current state of the release. In case there is done work, independent on how it went into the release, it shall be displayed as done. Showing completed features as incomplete is something - when management sees it - harms trust into that retrospective report. Right now, I do not dare to show the report to our management since a meaningful discussion cannot be made upon this progress because shown data is wrong.

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