The ideas chart is a useful tool, and I like that I can customize the axes and the titles of the quadrants. But as a result, the default colors may not make sense. For example, red in the lower left quadrant makes sense for the default setup ("Los...
Reverse vertical and horizontal scales in the Initiatives and Goals Charts
We would like to reverse the scale on the Initiatives and charts so that low-low appears on the bottom left quadrant, while high-high appears on the upper right quadrant.
When I view a requirement in a drawer, I cannot see estimates (when using capacity planning). When I view a feature in a drawer and expand a requirement to view it's details, however, I can see the estimate.
To view requirements in drawer, create ...
To Do's created from My Work do not support "@" mention
When using a To Do that was created from My Work (i.e. not linked with any features/activity), the "@" mention does not work in description and also comments, even though, in the text box it is suggested to type "@" for mentions.
The “Sort” buttons in the “Add data” modal in the reports are not particularly obvious to end users. People are very delighted when we point out that you can sort the data but don’t seem to “see” the sort buttons until we point it out.
Claudia Petren
over 6 years ago
in Application
Track effort (estimates) to prepare features for JIRA separately
When Aha!-JIRA integration is enabled, updating the features estimates on one of the tools, will cause an update on the other.
We suggest to have the possibility to un-map the estimates fields between the 2 tools. So updating on one tool won't aff...
Allow for a master release and its sub-releases to link to one jira version
More details In Aha, you are allowing for a use case where the master release and its sub-releases are essentially the same.You change the name, the internal date, the external date on the master release - and it updates the sub-releases. I think ...
Support 'parent link' field in Integrations for other issue types.
Aha recently added support for the Jira 'Parent Link' field in Integrations, and this was delivered via this ticket. Turns out that this integration will only support the Parent Link field for the Initiati...
See comment in We have parent initiatives in our business line, which split into (product-specific) child initiatives, which contain epics. Take the following hierarchy: Business Line InitiativeProduct 1 in...
Gianmarco Spiga
about 3 years ago
in Roadmaps