It would be helpful if we could use the Jira integration to send features to a specific board. We have several dev teams working within a single project, but they utilize different broads. We would like to send a feature to open a record is a spec...
Reut Levi
over 2 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Allow capacity estimates as primary record in list and pivot reports
Who would benefit? Users of capacity planning for teams What impact would it make? Using capacity estimates as the primary record on list and pivot reports would allow users to filter by fields on the Team record. How should it work? I would like ...
Evan Hollohan
11 months ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Internal Users What impact would it make? Improved Team Visibility and Communication How should it work? Concise format instead of tabular messages, ability to create filters
11 months ago
in Slack
Planning to implement
Who would benefit? What impact would it make? Less back and forth with BA and Developers to correct transfer error How should it work? Underneath our field "Functional Requirements" in the attch items, when I attach an excel document it does not t...
11 months ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Product teams who use the documents section to capture client information (who the client is, what was discussed on calls etc) What impact would it make? Better search facilities would enable us to get evidence to use to make be...
11 months ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Product Managers thinking about their persona and updating the record What impact would it make? Allow the PM to quickly navigate from the person to, say, the theme or overarching initiative. Currently you can only navigate the ...
Reece H
11 months ago
in User story map
Future consideration
Have the option to enable color-blind friendly mode where ever color is used (e.g roadmaps)
We have the option edit the colors for statuses via the Settings ⚙️ → Account → Statuses and workflows page; however, for users who have color blindness, changing the hue doesn't help much. We're looking to have the option for a texture or pattern...
aimee vitaglian
almost 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Support logical operators in the "Feature name search" and similar filters
It would be helpful to be able to search for multiple terms on list reports, e.g. to return all features whose name contains "bug" OR "defect". Aha’s personal search uses logical operators but that is not the case for report filters currently.
Dylan Kogut
almost 3 years ago
Future consideration
Would like to be able to add Tags to Initiatives (in addition to the existing capability of adding tags to Features, Master Features etc.) We use tags to track Change Control and need to be able to do this at the Initiative level as well.
Julie Edwards
almost 6 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Empty reports look broken, far better to say something like "No results"
What is the challenge? When a report has no results, it is unclear whether something is broken or it truly has no results. What is the impact? A lot of questions from Senior Leadership and team members needing to constantly verify that the report ...
Brittani Carmandi-Weber
4 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration