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Aha! Roadmaps

Showing 1612

User Default Option for Assignee & Watcher

General user experience functionality I am used to in other products. As the current user, I'd like to see my name pre-populated at the top of the list as a selectable option for Assignee & Watcher fields, in order to quickly add myself as as...
Guest about 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

Report on User Log In Info

As an admin, I need to report on user log-in information and navigation activity, as we are in the first 6mo of Aha! and it's critical for us to understand adoption. Data Points To Consider: who is logging in (or not) how often how they are usi...
Guest about 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

I think in "daily roadmapping digest" should be a notice "Do not answer to this e-mail" or something like that.

No description provided
Guest about 6 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Already exists

Idea portal counts for status & category should only be for ideas the user has access to

Private ideas / ideas not shown in the portal should be removed from total counts in idea portal if user doesn't have access to them. Confuses users and makes it known they don't have access to all ideas.
Laura Giles about 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

VSTS Integration - Error importing new records into Aha

As we are starting to use more and more Aha!, we are seeing errors while newly created records by Development team in VSTS being imported into Aha!. 2 main reasons for the errors include Feature is not available for the user stories (Requirements...
Sekhar Nallapaneni about 6 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 1 Already exists

Add Custom Idea Statuses in Portal

I can;t find a way to ustomise the status of ideas beyond the existing list. We would like to be able to add additional statuses.
Guest about 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Need ability to sort pivot by total counts

As mentioned here: I can create a pivot table that totals the number of ideas submitted per user, but sorting appears to be handled alphabetically - first by portal user and then by Aha user, vs by total n...
Laura Giles about 6 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Sorting Multiple Pages

When clicking on a column header to sort any of the grids in aha, the system should sort all the records returned in the grid whether they are visible in the page in focus or not. For example: Overall number of records = 100, 50 are listed on e...
Rachel Loewenthal about 6 years ago in Application 1 Already exists

Retain Idea link (somewhere)

After creating an idea, you have about 2 seconds to click the link to it before it disappears and you have to go search for it. Would be ideal for it to persist longer in the popup, or for it to remain somewhere on a same-page "recent ideas create...
Calli Phillips about 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Generate Roadmap from Ideas

We use ideas for an externally facing portal for our customers. However, we have found that as those ideas turn into features, our single view for customers no longer works. To get around this, we have added a release field to ideas so that we can...
Paul Nuschke about 6 years ago in Ideas 3 Already exists