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Send over images as correct size when integrating from Aha to Jira

What is the challenge? Steps: Create a feature in Aha and add a screenshot within the description. Send the feature to Jira. Result: In Jira, the image has a bunch of white space to the left and right of the image. So the image is small in Jira. W...
Guest 10 days ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Enable Activity Webhooks to trigger on Custom Attribute updates in Proxy Votes (and probably other objects).

What is the challenge? I need to know when a custom attribute in a Proxy Vote has changed. What is the impact? We are unable to fully launch our Idea Escalation process with this feature. Describe your idea We have a custom attribute for proxy vot...
Roger Deane 10 days ago in Voting 0 Future consideration

Report on inline comments on knowledge articles

What is the challenge? Right now we don't seem to be able to create reports with inline comments on Aha Knowledge articles. What is the impact? Have to manually search through pages for any comments, which is daunting for sites with hundreds of pa...
Jeremy Bruno 10 days ago in Knowledge bases 2 Future consideration

Story Map Add Existing Record - Feature Filtering

What is the challenge? Feature Filtering shows ALL features regardless of status What is the impact? This makes it difficult to narrow down the list of features I might want to include on my Story Map Describe your idea Show a filter that allows m...
Guest 11 days ago in User story map 0 Future consideration

Color by new feature types on the Gantt chart

What is the challenge? Currently you can only color by record type, status, and assignee on the Gantt. Now that the new feature type icons and colors have been released, it would be beneficial to color by these too. What is the impact? Make it eas...
Chrissi McNamara 20 days ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Add Dependencies to Gantt/Release Template To Dos for Better Project Management

Who would benefit? Project managers and organizations are looking to have better project management capabilities in Aha. What impact would it make? It would allow us to automatically adjust schedules when we have dependencies built in and a task t...
Stanton Melvin over 1 year ago in Dependencies / To-dos 0 Future consideration

Display the publication date on a presentation

Who would benefit? Product Managers sharing roadmaps What impact would it make? Product managers need control over what is shared with customers, and they want it to be obvious to anyone looking at a roadmap whether or not it is out of date. So if...
Anthea W over 1 year ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Sort the Now, Next, Later report via custom field value

What is the challenge? Currently you can only sort the Now, Next, Later report alphabetically, using the product value score, and via the records created or end date. What is the impact? This is limiting. The report would be more valuable if you c...
Chris Quigley 2 months ago in Roadmaps 3 Future consideration

Add risk filter to Aha! Develop boards

What is the challenge? You cannot filter a workflow board in Aha! Develop via a records delivery risk. What is the impact? It would be helpful to only display records that are at risk (i.e. because the record has no estimate or assignee) so that t...
Chris Quigley about 1 month ago in Development 0 Future consideration

Reduce the Amount of Time for the "Publish" Button to Appear

What is the challenge? Towards the end of a documentation project, many quick, minor edits are usually made on multiple pages. We have to wait 15 seconds for the Publish button to become available after the change. What is the impact? Wasted time ...
David Yelenchic about 1 month ago in Knowledge bases 0 Future consideration