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Integration with Collabnet Our development team uses Collabnet and as much as I would like to convince them to use Jira I do not think that is a realistic possibility, so this is a request for Aha to integrate with Collabnet.
Guest over 9 years ago in Wanted 0 Will not implement

Add the ability to approve log time entries in Aha! Develop for payroll purpose

In Aha! Develop, having the possibility to log time entries approval would be great. Doing so, it could have a whole dimension of cost tracking as well and budgeting. Combined with time planning capacity per employee would top it all.
Anh-Tuân Légaré about 3 years ago in Sprints 1 Future consideration

Adding people to paid seats in aha! develop is not as clear as it should be

I click into billing and see the open seats I paid for on Aha! Develop I click 'manage' assuming that would allow me to add seats to that arena of Aha! I get routed to Aha! Roadmaps with no clear way to get to the Users page of my Aha! Develop acc...
Guest about 3 years ago in Account settings / Development 0 Future consideration

If I don't have access to a release, I should not be able to assign an Epic to it

Our company has many different workspaces and releases. And it is very easy to accidentally assign an Epic to a release that I don't have access to, just by clicking within the Release area, and without my knowing it, the Release has suddenly chan...
Guest about 3 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

When editing a layout, search existing custom fields by 'internal name'

The internal name of a custom field is used to group together the fields that are applicable to a certain group or use case within the organisation. Creating standards for layouts requires custom fields for that internal name to be applied. Wideni...
Guest about 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Add API support for retrieving integration details (target JIRA project + server url for example)

Allow automation of integration setup from other tools. In my use case, the intent is to be able to validate/cross-check what is actually configured on the JIRA side (admin only) with what is expected/desired on the Aha side (various project team ...
Guest about 6 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Configuring workflow board should be reflected for all users

Currently, if I was to configure the feature workflow board (and/or feature cards on workflow board), the changes I made would only be reflected back to me. Every user of the workflow board has to then configure the board (and/or feature cards) th...
Guest about 6 years ago in Features 2 Already exists

Add Jira "status" field

When working between Aha and Jira, it can be hard to tell what is being updated in each. It would be helpful to have a Jira "status" field that allowed us to definitively see the status.
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

As the "Owner" of a release, I would like to be able to close it so no new features can be added.

As releases are usually bounded by e.g. development capacity, or certain themes (marketing message) it should be possible to close a release if capacity is reached. Closing means that the "owner" of the release can indicate that no more features c...
Guest over 9 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Integration by status

I'm not sure how much demand there would be for this, but I've had a need a few times for it so I'm going to suggest it. I would like to be able to limit automatic integration of new requirements if they are in a certain state, such as New. If a f...
Tom Beck about 6 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration