Retrieve proxy vote (idea endorsement) description via API
Hi, There doesn't seem to be a way to get a description field on idea endorsements via the API. Am I missing something? We can achieve what we want by migrating all our existing descriptions to a new custom field, but that's a change we'd like to ...
Provide shareable links for reports (not in notebooks)
We have reports that teams use and share. Often, those reports do not need to be in a notebook, because we are sharing with people who have access/license to Aha. However, we have a fairly consistent issue where sometimes links are copied (by copy...
Show year for External Release Date in Feature List view
In Feature List view, the column External Release Date only shows Day and Month. Add Year to provide clarity when sorting features that are multi year.
Bulk Edit of Users- Delete or downgrade multiple users all at once
As an account/ billing admin, I would like the ability to bulk edit users so that I can effectively manage spend in a timely manner.
1)ability to delete many users at once
2) ability to downgrade level of access (from paid to unpaid) many users at...
Setting up multiple workspaces is a chore. Aha! provides a range of shared definitions (layouts, etc) that make it easier to maintain consistency in some areas, but these fall down in two ways. Firstly, they're not universal, they don't exist for ...
Rich Baldry
over 3 years ago
in Application