ability to integrate idea information into Azure DevOps
We use the ideas portal to solicit new enhancements from our users and then link those ideas to features in our products. The problem is only our product management and dev management use Aha. our development team uses Microsoft DevOps to track th...
Add a description on how to change the phase color in the gantt chart
When you open up the phase drawer in the gantt view, there is an option to select the color of the phase but this only works if your gantt is set to 'Colored by status'. It does not work under any of the other settings. It'd be helpful to have a l...
Rich Stewart
over 3 years ago
Future consideration
It would be very helpful to be able to share the scoring criteria easily with the broader organization. Adding the ability to export the scoring/ranking criteria to a shareable webpage and png files would be great. More background: our organizatio...
Jen Tedrow
over 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
I regularly share content with colleagues and others who do not have Aha access. I do this using web pages. However, comments on that content must currently be shared in person, or by email or chat. The ability to add an open comment area on a sha...
Make linked idea more prominent in the epic/initiative record
To make the content of ideas that are the origin or epics/initiatives more accessible and transparent, it would benefit us to display the idea that is linked more prominiently, the way the promoted issues are displayed in ideas. Right now the idea...
Nerissa Muijs
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Prompt to save report first when adding unsaved report to presentation
If I am looking at an existing list report and then change the view to pivot but the report does not translate to a pivot then I am forced to create the report again. This is expected but then after I create that report, before saving it, if I opt...
Peter Whisenant
almost 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
In the Prioritized Backlog and all the views that the Prioritized Backlog appears, I am forced to work in a single column list view. This obviously works but its getting more burdensome as my card count increases. Once we have like over 20 to 50 i...
Todd Materazzi
almost 2 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Who would benefit? PMs that need to present tables What impact would it make? Stay in Aha and move away from excel and Google sheets when presenting tables How should it work? Make tables in notes smarter, such as: Basic cell calculations Insert r...
Julie Price
almost 2 years ago
in Notes
Future consideration