Copy and paste objects from one whiteboard to another
What is the challenge? if i want to copy a whiteboard table filled with structured objects like notes and diagrams it is not possible to copy and paste that onto another whiteboard (example here is consolidating work between to domains) What is th...
Nicolai Andersen
29 days ago
in Whiteboards
Already exists
Integration of company's proprietary AI engine with Aha!
What is the challenge? User can only use default AI engine. Due to company's cybersecurity polices, we cannot enable AI related features. What is the impact? By integrating company own AI engine, the system will benefit from enhanced data security...
Ashton Tsou
29 days ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
Idea portal terminology - identify when fields will display
What is the challenge? As users are customizing terminology within a portal it is not always clear when fields will display. We should provide clarity to simplify setup. Example - The fields below only display for submit only portals: Idea submitt...
Kristina Gass
29 days ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We use the idea's portal to collect problems and opportunities from our stakeholders. However, we often get low quality items or they are written as feature requests. What is the impact? It costs us all a lot of time to proc...
29 days ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Some objects have many fields, and while tabs helps with this somewhat it would still be valuable to subdivide a tab with headers and group fields together. What is the impact? The longer form layouts can feel daunting for s...
Michael Bruner
about 2 months ago
in Application
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Common process flow shapes are not available in Aha! whiteboards What is the impact? Certain diagramming cannot be visualized. Describe your idea Add common process flow diagram shapes to whiteboards
Stephanie Lechner
3 months ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Upload banner image to customize Ideas Portal branding
What is the challenge? It's difficult to implement a basic customization, such as a banner or hero image, to the Ideas Portal without using custom CSS. Additionally, any 'img url' in custom CSS must point to an image that is hosted on a public-fac...
4 months ago
in Branding
Future consideration
Display attachments on Knowledge documents shared with guests or in a Knowledge Base
Who would benefit? Users accessing Knowledge documents shared with them via Guest Access or in a Knowledge Base. What impact would it make? There is no way for users accessing these documents currently to see any attachments added to the original ...
Maria Plotkina
about 1 year ago
in Notes
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Teams using OKRs that choose to associate work with Key Results rather than the Objectives What impact would it make? More logical display of strategy through the new OKR records in the Hierarchy report How should it work? Abili...
Justin Woods
9 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Capacity planning: make advanced estimate values available for equations and filters
For a variety of reasons I would like to be able to perform calculations in custom worksheets on data included in an advanced estimate. For example, being able to reference the totals for a team, and the totals for a given period when a scenario i...
Jeanette Resnikoff
almost 3 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration