Link Aha! feature to an already existing pivotal story
It would benefit users who are trying to clean up a project that already exists. There may be information captured in pivotal that would be time-consuming to replicate.
over 6 years ago
in Pivotal Tracker
Will not implement
As a user of AHA Roadmap I want to see all data in a report regardless of my user role in that Workspace so all users who access the report see consistent data. As authority to see information under a Workspace is depending on the user's role in t...
over 1 year ago
in Reports
Will not implement
Make Initiative views in Notebook more useful by adding descriptions and comments
Right now, neither the initiative list, nor including initiative detail is very useful in a notebook.
The list of initiatives doesn't have enough information to be useful -- it would need the description, at minimum to be useful to me, and it tak...
Cameron O'Rourke
over 9 years ago
in Presentations
Will not implement
When I move a feature to the parking lot in Aha, it should move to the icebox if it exists in Pivotal
Most sprints priorities will change a little bit as time goes on and it will be appropriate to remove a ticket that was added previously. Likewise, if a sprint is over subscribed some tickets may roll over into the next sprint.
When this happens, ...
Jason Novek
over 9 years ago
in Pivotal Tracker
Will not implement
Ability to convert a mockup image with text to an initiative, epic, feature or requirement
While in Mockups, it'd be cool to be able to convert a shape that contains text to an initiative, epic, feature or requirement by right clicking on it and clicking Convert to > and then have the options. Then the text within the shape would be ...
over 1 year ago
in Mockups
Will not implement
Add gmail Quick Actions so action can be taken quickly
This would reduce the number clicks a user would need to take to get to an Aha link embedded within an email (i.e. Comment Notification for an Idea or Feature card).
JIRA has a View Comment and Gmail has a RSVP quick actions that allows a user to ...
Reports --- Saved Views --- 25 sec Display Timeout - Allow user configurable timeout value especially on Larger Feature List Saved View Display
For Reports and the Saved Views like Feature List Saved Views there are situations in which large numbers of features and large number of columns of data, the displays do not render due to the 25 sec display render timeout hard coded. It would be ...
Clark Milner
over 6 years ago
in Reports
Will not implement
Since Aha can potentially provide a list of all our products it seems like a good opportunity to leverage it to present our product/service catalog as well. While it doesn't appear to do this natively I'd like to figure out how to use the data and...
almost 10 years ago
in Application
Will not implement
Releases "Development started on" date - should be able to delete the date like other date fields
Date Custom fields and Feature Start on and Due on fields allow you to delete a date by hovering over the field and clicking on the X that appears. However, the Releases "Development started on" field does not allow for you to remove the date once...
Matt Case
about 8 years ago
in Releases
Will not implement
Allow to remove public comments from ideas via API
We are just about to start using Aha! and thus have imported comments from our existing system into Aha! ideas which went perfectly fine. Though now we realized it doesn't make sense to have these comments public, but instead create them as privat...
Frederik Born
about 8 years ago
in Ideas
Will not implement