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Enable the ability to add a strategic roadmap to dashboard

Strategic Roadmaps are a really useful tool in communicating to stakeholders the trajectory and status of initiatives and the teams that those initiatives are dependent on to deliver succesfully. However I want to on 1 page show metrics like RAG s...
Andrew Brooks about 4 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped

Make global changes to the business model canvas

We want all our product owners to be able to use a single default template for the business model canvas when they set up their new products. it would be nice for this to be another thing that we can configure in the settings menu for either a pro...
Guest over 8 years ago in Account settings 7 Shipped

Add Paid Seat Group to Aha API

With Enterprise+ we have the ability to group users for others to assist and track their own business unit's users. However, since we are using scripted updates to add/update users utilizing the API we cannot update that portion of the user's reco...
David Pettit about 4 years ago in  4 Shipped

Filter history records

Need the ability to filter history records for an object or alternatively export so that they can be searched. As example, we have a release where we are looking for a specific event of who changed a specific field. However the change history is f...
Joe Watson over 4 years ago in Releases 0 Shipped

Sync "Sprint" Field from JIRA

Would like to be able to view the sprint a feature is currently assigned to in JIRA. It looks like we have most of the other fields available for mapping but that one isn't available. I get a ton of questions about when a feature is scheduled to b...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Jira 2 Shipped

Ability to add a custom FAQ page

It would be great if there was a place where we could enter custom FAQ's for our company process regarding the idea submission process
Lisa Fricano over 8 years ago in Branding 4 Shipped

Sharing Options of Email Schedule - Share as excel or csv file attachment

We need options to send reports as excel or csv file attachments with email schedule. This can help automate and simplify our data output process to integrate with other applications (e.g. Smartsheet) without the need to develop custom API data co...
Hank Liu over 1 year ago in Reports 3 Shipped

Manual table width adjustment in 'Notes' rather than automated adjustment

It would be great if we could override the 'automated width' adjustment in the Aha Notes section to be manual only if necessary. I would suggest keeping it to 'Automated' and having it note by note Manual override option if necessary depending on ...
Guest about 9 years ago in Notes 1 Shipped

AI Exploration: use "themes" to group and filter data in other reports and views

Once the exploration tool has grouped my ideas by theme, I want to use the theme as a way to group and filter data. Use cases: List or pivot that shows summarized information about ideas, grouped or filtered by theme. Ideas prioritization view: us...
Dale Potter over 1 year ago in  0 Shipped

Change back strategic models form

What is the challenge? The strategic model form has been amended so information can be added to a text box instead of opening a side panel, but this text box is so buggy... When I click and drag on the text box to highlight text the text box goes ...
Guest 7 months ago in Strategy 1 Shipped