Allow creating product-specific initiatives from the product line screen.
I have created an initiative for my product line. I now want to create a specific initiative for each product in that product line.
I can manually create each product initiative and link it back to the product line initiative and it will appear in...
almost 9 years ago
in Strategy
Will not implement
I want the previous design back - no more "surprises" over night.
Stop messing around with the user interface - I really do not like having to learn a new UserInterface every couple of days. Especially this time where your update introduced yet another set of features that slowed me down. In short, the new UI su...
Searching for an idea on the portal should use the same logic as used in the aha application.
Our users are reporting that the ideas search on our ideas portal isn't returning useful results.
Checking into this today, "OR" operators are used between search terms in the portal, whereas the search in aha uses AND operators.
In a typical us...
John Hopkin
over 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Will not implement
Need option to search by Asset ID or Asset Name in MyAsset application
When we are setting up Repair owner in the application, presently option is to select equipment ids from the drop down list. Their we would need option to search & select an equipment id via Asset ID or Asset name. Or provide a link from Equip...
Rename the "button" name in Engineer login of MyAsset application
When an incident is assigned to an engineer, they are expected to accept that incident. To accept the button field name populates as "Take". Request is to rename the filed to "Accept"
Aha does a great job of surfacing all the attachments onto one page ((product > files), no matter where in the content they are(initiative, feature, requirement, release, added to a comment, etc). But if people write comments, they are buried d...
Stop auto-reformatting text for Customized Terminology
When using custom terminology per product, Aha! automatically reformats text, capitalizing/not capitalizing and adding an "s". The customized terminology would be much more beneficial were it truly customizable.
Kelly Killeen
almost 10 years ago
in Account settings
Will not implement
If a page in a notebook is in "Live View" mode, if you click on any item in the notebook webpage you get the live page it came from, but there is no way of returning to the notebook snapshot. If you navigate through the notebook the live view stil...
Alejandro Blaas
almost 10 years ago
in Presentations
Will not implement
Reduce Email Delivery Time (to a consistent 30 seconds to a minute delay after last activity)
As a user, my expectation is that I should receive an email notification in a minute or less, otherwise I assume that the email functionality is broken. Some Aha! emails come through almost instantly, while others take anywhere between 5 and 30 mi...