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Ability to link features/requirements to existing VSO work items

Current VSO/TFS integration only allow to submit a feature/requirement from Aha! to TFS/VSOAn option to link a feature/requirement with an existing TFS/VSO work item would be helpful
Guest over 9 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 23 Shipped

Ability to send private comments to idea submitter

Currently, there is no way to respond to an idea submitter privately via comments as an administrator. Additionally, it would be helpful if this private comment could trigger a notification to the submitter.
Guest over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Shipped

Expand the Jira migration tool to support migrating Azure from Server to Services

What is the challenge? There is a tool to aid users in migrating from Jira server to Cloud, but it does not currently support ADO migrations. What is the impact? Users who need to migrate ADO have a manual process to relink records after moving to...
Stephanie Lechner 3 months ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Shipped

Honor Changing Jira Issue Types

Aha now honors additional Jira Types (other than just Stories and Features) - YAY! However, when the Jira Type is changed, it breaks the sync between the Jira item and Aha item. Example: Support reports a "Support Defect", Dev reviews, changes it...
Kathy Landon over 6 years ago in Jira 16 Shipped

In advanced filters with OR groups, ensure options are filtered down in the correct group and not globally

What is the challenge? When using two or more OR subgroups with advanced filters, if the same filter, such as workspace name, is used in both groups, other filter options will be narrowed down to the workspace(s) selected in the first filter group...
Maria Plotkina 2 months ago in Reports 0 Shipped

Configurable unit of time for Estimation field

We're using Aha with Azure DevOps integration. We’ve mapped the Estimate field in Aha with an estimate field in Azure DevOps. Our estimation process is basically as follows: * Product Manager creates Feature in Aha * Product Manager send RFC...
Guest about 6 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server  / Capacity planning 14 Shipped

Allow Gantt chart to nest Epics and Features underneath your release bars

When viewing a Gantt chart, I find it useful to have all of my various epics and their associated features nested underneath each release bar they are associated with. This goes from the highest level down to the most granular: Release > Epic &...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Reports 6 Shipped

Allow integrations such as Jira at the Product Line level

Integrations may be common across products within the same product line. It would save time and the possibility to make setup mistakes if these integrations can be setup one level higher
Steve C almost 3 years ago in Jira 9 Shipped

Add Dependency Reports as an option when adding a Dashboard panel

Dependency reports is not an option right now when adding a panel to a dashboard. It would be great to have this as an option since so many Product Managers, Solution Teams, etc. look at dependency reports on a regular basis.
Guest over 4 years ago in Dependencies / Reports 3 Shipped

Expand key result progress options to initiatives, releases, and epics

Who would benefit? Now that teams can easily tie their features, epics, releases, and initiatives up to key results, being able to track progress towards the key results automatically based on child records. Teams want a more granular way to track...
Nathaniel Collum 7 months ago in Strategy 1 Shipped