Hello, I realize that we can add OneDrive integration on an individual basis. For our workspace, we do have individual OneDrive accounts but we also (and most importantly in a team environment with Agile) have a shared OneDrive account. With a sha...
Todd Materazzi
almost 2 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
We have set up a workflow, that is fairly complex and has a lot of approval To-Do's. Every time, someone else pushes an idea forward, I get one email for each of the To-Do's I have been assigned. This generally are 4-8 for most steps. Getting that...
Ability to Toggle Requirements off and on for Sprint Planning
There is currently a checkbox to hide completed items on the sprint planning board. It would be great for a checkbox bellow it that would hide requirements and only show the current features in play for times when a feature has multiple requiremen...
Justin Paulson
over 3 years ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
Ability to Clone or Copy Prioritization Report Layouts / a bulk remove feature to remove multiple records from ranking
We are beginning to use prioritization reports, however we are aligning them with our sprint planning. I created a prioritization report for our current sprint, we ranked everything within the sprint, added in related fields we wanted to see like ...
Danny Grigsby
almost 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Integration w/ Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop
Hello Is there an integration with Adobe Illustrator and/or Adobe Photoshop with Features, Requirements and Tasks? We would like to include links to Adobe artifacts we develop like the way you already integrated Figma nicely into the cards. We und...
Todd Materazzi
almost 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
If you have multiple Requirements under a Feature it would be good to couple the feature to last completing requirement so it moves across the associated Sprint to completion. If optional then can retain current way of working too. Similar concept...
Existing 'Users' custom field should include portal users as we..
Currently the 'Users' custom field only exposes internal users. For our private Ideas portal, the user who creates an Idea for a given Organization is not always the same user who has final approval if the scope/requirements. If we can capture the...
David Barber
almost 2 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
On the Related tab under each list of related records there a very handy View in report link to quickly view the items in a list report where you can bulk edit or view more fields. This would also be very helpful with Custom tables that have a one...
Michael Bruner
over 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration