Today on the Initiatives page, when you click on an Initiative to see its Features, the Features are listed alphabetically. It would be better if they were shown in Feature Rank order to easily confirm the prioritization of Features for an Initiat...
make Status Category a column that I can add to views, and allow me to customize the values
I've been creating a number of different Feature views and adding them to Notebooks for cross-functional stakeholders to view (Sales, Marketing etc.). While it's great that I've customized the workflow status values for PM & Engineering, this ...
Steven Kaplan
over 8 years ago
in Features
We use Quarterly Dashboards to represent and track our work. I have a separate dashboard for Q1, Q2, etc. because I want to see the progression for each. Each dashboard uses the same widgets and the same reports. Those reports are just filtered to...
Increase the granularity of panel sizing in Dashboards
I have several panels on my dashboard that the word wrapping and scrolling needs change drastically when it is resized using the current grid. Modifying the grid to make the anchor boxes half their current size would be beneficial.
Use Idea "Portal Title" field as the browser tab name for the Ideas Portal
It's a minor point for sure, but I've noted as I'm rolling out ideas portal first internally to employees only that our ideal portal (which will forever be separate from customer portals) has a tab title of "%CompanyName% Customer Feedback" and th...
Merge default assignee with actual user in reports
When viewing pivots or charts the Default Assignee (User's Name) is considered separate from assignment to the actual user. This makes it challenging to see how many items may exist for one person, and requires bulk editing. The default assignment...
Michael Bruner
over 2 years ago
in Reports
Dashboards are helpful to combine different views to share with stakeholders. It would be helpful to add a Features roadmap to a dashboard. Currently, we would need to add the dashboard to a presentation and have the Features roadmap as a separate...
I have numerous releases where the timeline of release is shorter than the text length of the title resulting in the title being cut off in the roadmap visual. Please allow the title of roadmap element to extend wider than the element itself. See ...
Jacob Bockelmann
almost 8 years ago
in Roadmaps
Indicate whether a workspace is based off a template or not
When reviewing the list of workspaces via Settings > Account > Workspaces, it is not clear if a given workspace is based off a workspace template or not. There should be a way to see whether which workspace template is applied to a given wor...
Need the primary records on the dependency reports to filter with the Dashboard filters
Currently when you add a dependency report to a Dashboard and filter the workspace on the Dashboard the primary records in the dependency report are not filtered. This is a blocker for us in being able to include these dependency reports into our ...