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Copy a Dashboard with all Widgets

We use Quarterly Dashboards to represent and track our work. I have a separate dashboard for Q1, Q2, etc. because I want to see the progression for each.

Each dashboard uses the same widgets and the same reports. Those reports are just filtered to a different quarter's custom field. So, in order to create a new dashboard for the next quarter, I have to create an entirely new dashboard, add each of the reports (which are saved in template form at least), then tweak each widget to be the proper display of pie/bar chart and grid report.

I would like to be able to copy/clone my existing Q2 dashboard to create my new Q3 dashboard (or just resave the dashboard with a new name like reports). Then, I can simply tweak the single field within each linked report behind each widget.

Conversely, if more filters were available on the dashboard level, they could be treated more like reports - where filters can be changed and the report resaved with a new name in a single step!

    Dec 3, 2024

    Add custom filters to dashboards

    You can now filter product dashboards by any standard or custom field. Build one dashboard and filter it to view just what you need.

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