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Search by prefix or # when promoting Idea to Feature

When promoting an Idea to an already existing feature it would be great to search by the product prefix and/or number. The words of the feature are searchable but the pre-fix and number are not. I think there may be other places in the app when se...
Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas 3 Future consideration

Visualize fiscal weeks in roadmaps

We would love the ability to visualize not just the horizontal timeline in our roadmaps like we can today, but to also be able to show what fiscal week we are in. Our team plans in fiscal weeks which does not align to calendar weeks. It would be g...
Shawn Zenz about 3 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Standards-compliant open 2FA support

If I search Big Ideas, I can find multiple ideas relating to 2FA - including requests for Yubikey support and Google Authenticator without SSO. I want to dial it back a notch... today, in 2021, I am unable to turn on 2FA to protect our Aha! creden...
Daniel Viney about 3 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Display drafts when adding a new requirement without pressing save and leave screen as part of Requirements List

I was adding a requirement to a feature, and after inputting a considerable amount of details I needed to check another feature and lost the focus on the existing requirement. When I came back, I could not find the requirement and was quite worrie...
Noel Scerri about 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Add a pre-formatted "copy" ability for copying Idea links into external docs

I'm trying to demonstrate value of Aha Ideas and one way to do this is by linking to related feedback wherever it might be relevant when I'm doing something like writing a PRD, presenting roadmaps, etc. It's a bit of a pain to copy the title of th...
Guest about 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Rule triggered by to-dos/approvals

My team would use this functionality so that reviewers (who don't do that much work in Aha and aren't that used to the tool) can go in and either complete a to do or accept/reject an approval and by doing that trigger a rule, so that the status ca...
Fredrik Örn about 3 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Workspace Blog

Love the Aha blog articles of new features. Would be cool to be able to do a lightweight version in Aha with presentations & secure website additionally with some sort of table of contents/navigation or listing previous posts
Joe Hart about 3 years ago in Presentations 1 Future consideration

Expand Parking Lot field

As a Product manager, I work with my backlog in the parking lot. I would like to be able to expand the Parking Lot field to full screen or to at leas 2/3 of the screen in order to have a better view of my work. This is because, I work with differe...
Guest about 3 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Group integration errors by error type

It would be nice to see pending integration errors grouped by error type so you can address similar ones at one time.
Fatimah Gorin about 3 years ago in Wanted 0 Future consideration

Shared presentation access controls, or nested presentations

I want to create a presentation to convey high level information about different groups working in Aha, and I want each group maintaining their section. I want the content of this presentation to meet certain guidelines, for example: a certain sli...
James Compton about 3 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration