As a PM, some uncompleted Feature cards become outdated and would be best revised back down to Ideas.
A bulk manage tool that downgrades Feature cards to Ideas would be very useful. Potential field mapping could be presented to the user...
almost 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Would be great to have the progress bar not just calculate on some field completed, but also show as a sort of segmented progress bar, where you can see the percentage of items in another status category. This would allow to have in one view a cle...
Kristof Dewulf
over 3 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Dependency Report - Provide columns on Primary record instead of concatenating the fields together
On the dependency report - we often want to put the AHA feature ref ID; the name of the feature and add a tag. Providing more than one piece of information to make it useful to the user as they view the dependencies to the related records that can...
Robyn Ballard
over 3 years ago
in Dependencies / Reports
Future consideration
Allow Read Only records to become disabled once data is inputted
We like the idea of read only fields to capture initial data but prevent further edits. Currently if a custom field is marked as read only data can't be inputted which seems to defeat the object of creating a field. It is fine on a bulk import, bu...
Sophie Ramsden
over 3 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
Integrations 2.0: Allow Master Feature relationship for Requirements
I can create a relationship for Releases at the requirement level even though requirements do not inherently have a release field, this appears to be derived from the feature. I should also be able to create a relationship to the Master Feature in...
Danny Archer
about 7 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
I want the ability to create a mockup from the Product > Files page without necessarily having to attach it to a record. Right now, the only way I can create a mockup is if I attach it to a record.
over 5 years ago
in Mockups
Will not implement
It would be useful to add a horizontal scroll bar to assist people with large horizontal 'user story maps', 'kanban boards', 'roadmaps', and 'other amazing views you provide' to scroll left or right. Currently I reduce the scale of my screen to al...
Todd Materazzi
almost 2 years ago
in Application
Already exists
We design our workflow per "Workflow Approval Design.JPG" that require approval for each status transition. Take "Discovery" for example, 4 approvals would appears in To-Do tab. Approving one of them to trigger status change, and the rest of the 3...
Hank Liu
almost 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Please add the concept of "Sprints" separate from "Releases"
Please indulge me be allowing me to start off with some definitions.
Sprints are generally 1-3 weeks long, happen at a regular cadence and don't have anything to do with ongoing projects/releases other than the fact that Stories related to a proje...