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Showing 1676

Able to sort on aggregate values in cells in pivot tables

Who would benefit? All users that view reports What impact would it make? Prevent exporting to Excel for simple aggregates How should it work? A user should be able to sort on the aggregated values in cells, like count, sum, etc. Apparently today,...
Matt Kalan about 1 year ago in Reports 4 Already exists

Option to Automatically add New Features and release to roadmaps

I am often times using that roadmap not only as way of visualizing the data but as the principal tool in which I can see all my projects and products at once, gain insight into the global picture of the work that is being done and then changing st...
Jay Altschuler over 6 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Bulk delete custom table records

When cleaning up custom table records, it is sometimes necessary to delete many records at once. It would be nice to be able to delete these records all at once.
Austin Merritt over 6 years ago in  0 Already exists

Ability to create a folder structure within the Roadmaps > Overview folders (i.e. add a hierarchy of children folders to the top level folders) so that I can better organize my reports.

Who would benefit? Individual product teams, cross-funtional teams looking across workspaces. What impact would it make? Users could easily find the report they are looking for. How should it work? The folder structure should mimic Box or Dropbox ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Reports 1 Already exists

View reports in two clicks

As an Aha! user, I would like to view a report in two clicks. This could be possible if Favorites was the default view instead of All -- I've already declared them to be my favorites -- and if the report opened when the tile is clicked. That would...
Tom Beck over 7 years ago in Reports 3 Already exists

Allow achieved and not started initiatives to be omitted from the "active" board by default.

There aren't enough filters on the Initiative view to allow us to manage them correctly. We have to use reports to get the data in a manageable view. It would be extremely helpful to have the achieved initiatives default OFF of the view just like ...
Wen-Wen Lin over 5 years ago in Strategy 3 Already exists

Add 'To-do search' filter for lists

Hi. I can search by text on all work items/tables except for to-dos. Please can you add this filter so that I can manage/filter/process/digest my to-dos by text searches.
Ida van Jaarsveld over 6 years ago in To-dos 2 Already exists

Idea workflow to-do update idea status

Who would benefit? All Aha! Idea product managers What impact would it make? Increased user efficiency How should it work? Allow the creation of a to-do item completion cause the setting of a specific status.
Guest about 1 year ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Option to select CY vs FY in date based views

Who would benefit? Anyone who's financial year end doesn't match the calendar year. For us, our financial year starts in Q2 (AMJ), I can't see how to either adjust the FY start dates or switch the views to say CY instead. What impact would it make...
Chris Haggan about 1 year ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Add reference to originating ticket in Ideas created from Zendesk agent

When a ticket is created by the Zendesk integration, and a reference to the originating ticket to the Idea in Aha.
Kevin Simon over 3 years ago in Ideas 2 Already exists