When looking at an integrated planning view, including Jira epics/stories/backlogs for upcoming work in addition to current work test results, we'd like to join data from multiple tools, and view current status across multiple tools. If we use the...
almost 2 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
Currently, when using the Feature Name filter in reporting, if you search for a word/phrase, tons of possibilities could possibly show up in the filter and you have to manually select each one. In my case, I searched "Rules" in our Feature Name fi...
almost 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
We often send out reports with upcoming features or features/ideas that need to be prioritized where we include the Scorecard value. It would be helpful if the Scorecard field retained the ability to click on it to open the scorecard window to see...
almost 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
It would be very helpful if it were possible to see who has created a given custom field so that 'admin' type users can easily determine who to contact about questionable field additions/associations. For context: even with restricted customizatio...
Joe Buehlmeyer
almost 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Allow users to edit ideas in the portal for their organization
Who would benefit? Idea Portal users What impact would it make? Users can change ideas on behalf of others in the same organization How should it work? If the organizations is active in an Idea Portal, it would be very useful if the users can chan...
Nicola Rolando
12 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
1. Do we have option to set Automation Rule to convert idea to feature automatically based the status change? 2. Do we have option send promoted feature details to the original Idea submitter? 3. When feature is created status with in-design , it ...
Barathi S
almost 2 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Have an option to remove the redline (that represents the current day) on reports
When exporting, often the reports are viewed days or weeks after the initial export. The red line causes confusion and also is a poor visual experience for viewers of our reports and roadmaps.
over 7 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
User flag or field to indicate idea was reviewed so that users can easily vote on ideas without having to re-read many
Who would benefit? Users submitting/reviewing ideas would spend less time reading ideas they already read and more time voting on ideas that are relevant to them. Since this may encourage more voting when made easier this also benefits the product...
12 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
We'd like to push for additional filtering on integration candidates. Recently, we ran into an issue where a PO accidentally imported an epic that was not within an integrated JIRA project (let's call it JIRA-ABC). The reason was because a story w...
Anh Truong
almost 4 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration