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Approve and add record to support Requirements

What is the challenge? WHen our UX team surface findings in their research they do so as a Work Request for that finding. As product we then need to review the request and if we feel it has merit, we can surface it for prioritization. However, oft...
Christopher L 5 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

system design diagrams

What is the challenge? I want to have a high level Web System design What is the impact? A interactive way to be able to design a complete system, and its interactions between their different modules, components, and particularly, the sub models, ...
Guest 5 months ago in Mockups 0 Future consideration

To Provide a search bar in Integration update page to search for records.

What is the challenge? Currently when we navigate to Integration updates to import any record which we need we need to manually navigate to multiple pages for accessing the required record to map with Aha! What is the impact? When the list of impo...
Guest 5 months ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Card customizations for within teams (Develop) should include the option to display the card image.

The option to display the card image is available in roadmap workspaces and it can be used to quickly differentiate between a slew of similar looking things on-screen. This is also useful for developers.
Paul C over 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Bulk accept Work Requests/To-Dos

If there are a number of to-dos (work requests specifically) that I know I will approve all of them, there should be a way to "bulk" accept and approve all the to-dos to create the new records. This would save time for our product managers
Danielle Martinez about 2 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Show name of user whose token is being used in ADO integration

Who would benefit? Admins of accounts with ADO integrations What impact would it make? When an ADO integration is created, a user with the correct permissions must enter their token to authenticate the integration. However, the token owner's name ...
Bonnie Trei over 1 year ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Project level automation with Jira

Requesting a change to Aha! Jira integration to allow for project level automation. Project level webhooks send payloads differently than system level payloads. If support for project level webhook payloads were added, we could enable multitudes o...
Guest about 2 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Add more flexibility to Scheduled Email Delivery intervals

The current Scheduled Email Delivery of reports is a great feature. But cannot be scheduled on some commonly used intervals. This idea suggests the following additions: end on a specified date, after a certain number of occurrences, or no end date...
Guest over 1 year ago in  1 Future consideration

Add "release phase" as an updatable field on the feature card.

I'm using release phase as my "sprints". When creating features, sometimes I want to add them directly into the sprint as they are being created. Right now it is a bit arduous to not have that field at my finger tips when creating features with th...
Amy Flower almost 4 years ago in Features 4 Future consideration

Note publication and distribution by email on a schedule

What is the challenge? I have a note that contains multiple Aha! views and is presented as a management report on the system to show activity, usage, voting, analytics on customer ideas. In order to view the report (e.g. Senior Managers who do not...
Martin W 5 months ago in Notes 0 Future consideration