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Automation rule to set feature start date to same as release

Current automation rules allow for a start date to set to an increment from today(). It would be useful to have automation that would update the start date of a work item to the same as the release start date for capacity planning purposes. Additi...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Application 1 Future consideration

Update records on all integrations linked to a template at one time

We anticipate having 150+ integrations based on a template (with the Rally integration). In order to add fields to the integrations, we edit the template and those updates/new fields flow to the individual integrations based on the template, howev...
Elaine Edwards almost 5 years ago in Rally 2 Future consideration

When exporting my features roadmap, remove the empty space for goals and initiatives when there are none linked

What is the challenge? The export currently shows empty spaces for goals and initiatives when there are none linked, which creates clutter. What is the impact? Having empty spaces in the export leads to unnecessary whitespace, making the document ...
Chrissi McNamara 8 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Bulk hide features from the features roadmap

What is the challenge? I have a presentation with a features roadmap. I have a lot of features I don't want to highlight. But I can't bulk hide them all! What is the impact? Make it easier to create an impactful presentation that only highlights t...
Chrissi McNamara 8 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Allow comments on saved views of roadmaps and reports

Who would benefit? PMs, internal/external stakeholders, customers What impact would it make? Ability to get, receive, and manage feedback on roadmaps or reports in a central location so that action or response can be easily communicated. Collabora...
Terence Osmeña about 1 year ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Add a GANTT customize view - "hide phases" option

The GANTT chart is currently the only roadmap-like display that is capable of displaying the rollup release properly. In high-level reviews with executives, when focused on features, the GANTT delivers exactly what is needed, BUT the phases can be...
Bastian Schoell about 3 years ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Default the folder and the other options when saving a view

Who would benefit? Everyone who has hundreds of reports stored in the "All" folder and just can't find anything without using search What impact would it make? It would make it much easier to keep our folder structure clean and tidy and therefore ...
Anthea W about 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Allow a field to be re-used across multiple sections of a dynamic ideas form

We currently use dynamic forms within our ideas portal. We've structured our forms such that we gather initial information and then direct the user to one of 6 branches, where specific information is captured relative to that branch. We would like...
Mark Eaves almost 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

New User Story Map entered Epics should still require required fields and load the standard description field template

Problem: When adding entities (e.g., Epics) via the User Story Map, the user is not prompted to enter in required fields and the predefined Epic template is not loaded in the description field. This bypasses the Epic creation protocols elsewhere i...
Peter Bongiorno about 3 years ago in User story map 0 Future consideration

Add a private Admin message

It would be very helpful that in addition to having an Admin Msg that we could also have a private Admin Msg on the ideas portals tab. This would allow us to broadcast updates on an idea to internal users that are not Aha users. For example - "Thi...
Steve Rudkin almost 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration