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Tie feature start and end dates to status

It would be useful to have feature start date automatically be set when it moves to "In Development" and end date autosets to "Deployed" status. This would help track how long features take and would take one step out of the process for team membe...
Guest about 6 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Convert a feature to an Initiative

we frequently see the need to uplevel a story with many requirements to an initiative level with many stories. Having this functionality would allow us to do this easily This usually happens when we start to groom a feature and realize it should b...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

Filter by custom field for Gantt charts

We have custom fields in Epics that we would like to filter by for Gantt charts
Guest over 3 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

SSO restricts the ability to use preferred names

At our company we are using SSO to log into AHA. Our SSO takes the name directly from our HR tools where employees tend to use their "legal" name, instead of their "preferred" name for payroll purposes. But AHA takes the first and last name from S...
Guest over 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

ability to add calculated fields to pivot report

Today, we can add calculated column (and edit the required formula) to a list report, there is a need to see the data of these calculated columns also in pivot report, but that is not available..
Ronit Binshtok over 2 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 1 Already exists

Allow Master Features to span multiple products

We need the ability to tie features from different products to a master feature
Guest almost 8 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

When a feature is sent to Github that has images attached, can the images be shown inline rather than as links?

When I send a feature to Github that has images attached, the images show up in Github as links rather than inline which is how they would show up if I had created the feature in Github. It's easier and cleaner for our developers to see the images...
Guest about 8 years ago in GitHub 0 Already exists

Commitment Register as part of Aha!

What is the challenge? To find all the cross product commitments that have been made, I would like to find them all in one place What is the impact? I can use tagging but tagging is also used for other things. Describe your idea I would like to ha...
Peter Johnston 11 months ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Ability to move report to a different workspace

What is the challenge? I have created a number of reports in a workspace that I want to move to a product-line for visibility. People get a little antsy when a report lives in their workspace but it is used elsewhere. What is the impact? Feels dis...
Stephanie Sullivan 11 months ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Add the ability to select all/deselect in filter drop-down menus for Reports-->List Table

For any filter drop-down menu (example: Feature status), I would like to have a check-box that allows me to select all or unselect all in the field.
Guest almost 9 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists