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Ideas header customization is lost when clicking status links from Overview screen

I customized my headers in Ideas List to display votes and name of the submitter but when I get there by following a link through the Overview (say I click on the new features needing review) they revert to some default state. Any pre-defined lis...
Suzanne Vaughan about 10 years ago in  3 Will not implement

import ideas

I have a backlog of ideas sitting in a different tool, and I'd like to import them into Aha and have them attributed to the original creators (who have been added as Aha idea portal users).
Shawn Smith about 10 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Already exists

Roadmap delay - ability to push back ALL releases by a month / quarter etc...

Why is it useful, who would benefit from it, how should it work?
Guest about 10 years ago in  0 Unlikely to implement

When inputting a new idea/feature I would love Aha to search to see if that idea/feature already in order to prevent duplication of ideas/features being documented.

Essentially, it should work like this Ideas Portal. Type an idea and/or feature and Aha should recommend other ideas/features that seem similar. As a product manager, this would let me know that this feature/idea is already documented within the p...
Guest about 10 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Allow users to upload their picture instead of using their initials

I'd like to be able to upload my picture to be used next to my comments and such instead of using the default first and last initial. Maybe it's already there, but I can't find it.
Guest about 10 years ago in Account settings 2 Already exists

include the internal 'release date' milestone as a dependency in a phase (as Follows, Procedes)

I have many post-release activities that I'd like hang off the release date, which does move now and then
Paul Derbyshire about 10 years ago in Dependencies / Releases 1 Will not implement

Add an "Unlike competitors..." clause to the value proposition template

Value propositions are super-powerful for product managers, as they capture the market, the problem to be solved, how the product solves it, and why the solution is better than competitors. Unfortunately, although Aha has a value prop template, it...
Nils Davis over 10 years ago in Strategy 3 Already exists

Releases relative start date of 'n', then later set n = absolute date

During some planning and requirements gathering stages, the actual start date of releases and even beginning of development for certain products is not known. Being forced to set absolute dates for every release is awkward and leads to misundersta...
Todd Gibson over 10 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Ability to see activity by user...

I would like to see activity by user.
Guest over 10 years ago in  0 Already exists

Don't prompt for Release Creation

Not all of our product managers are allowed to create releases. However when you log into the features page for a product with no attached release it prompts for one to be created. This should a feature that can be turned off or disabled by default.
Guest over 10 years ago in Features 0 Will not implement