I have made timeframes and added initiatives, goals and releases to those timeframes for last year. I have then archived those timeframes. The initiatives and goals are no longer available for selection as expected. However, when I view my strateg...
What is the challenge? Videos created in Loom need to be shared in a KB. Currently they cannot be embedded directly in a note. What is the impact? The user must download the video from Loom and upload it to Aha! Videos are then stored in two diffe...
Currently, I have to save screenshots on disk and add them as an attachment individually.
It would be great if the system could detect when I am pasting an image into text, add it as an attachment and insert a reference to the attachment.
Anton Mamichev
almost 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Add "Paid seat group" dropdown to the edit user modal in Workspace > Users
Who would benefit? Organizations that use paid seat groups to manage the distribution of paid seats across many different areas/teams/groups. What impact would it make? Ensure that paid seat group owners can only allocate paid seats from their ava...
I have a numeric custom Feature field Priority. When I include it in a new pivot table, Aha! sorts the field alphabetically not numerically. ADDED: Ability to sort in general so that you can change the order in which columns (data) are ordered fro...
Ability to see ALL To-do items at a: Product or Product Line level. If able to drill down to Release level that would be ideal
Often we need to run stand up sessions or project checkin's and go through the 'To-do' items that are coming up, outstanding etc for the team. As you can have 'To-do' items at:
Product level
Product Line level
Release level
Feature Level
We use confluence as a platform for detailing product development plans. It would be great if one was able to embed notebooks from Aha! within confluence pages or indeed easily allow Aha! data to be inserted into confluence.
A set of macros, ava...
If you assign a JIRA issue to be unassigned, the assignee is not reflected in Aha! correctly which causes the next Aha! update to overwrite the unassigned status in JIRA with whatever the previous assignee was set to.