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Feature effort estimate total instead of capacity on Features board

If a release doesn't have a capacity entered, instead of just showing "n/a", i would like to see the total of the estimates for the features in that release. Extra points: Enable a velocity chart on the feature board. Perhaps a chart can be hacke...
Max Cascone over 7 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Issue with Strategy Roadmap display

When I have initiative planned say for example, 2 releases, first one in the 2nd qtr, 2021 and 2nd one in 4th quarter, 2021, strategic roadmap doesn't reflect it correctly. It shows continues bar going from April 1st, 2021 until end of the year gi...
Ram Dhurjati over 3 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Unlikely to implement

Add notification for new users being added to Aha!

When new users are added to products or invited to Aha! (specifically paid users) send an email to the account and/or billing administrators to let them know who was invited along with the user who invited them.
Dru Clegg over 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Change Master Feature Prefix

The Prefix for all Master Features is 'E', this is a suggestion to change this globally to M to align with the default terminology. EG PRODUCT-E-123 should be PRODUCT-M-123 instead.
Guest over 5 years ago in Epic 1 Unlikely to implement

ability to limit scope/default scope of search

When I am searching for something it defaults to searching everything and the drop down box reflects as such. If I could set the scope of the default search for a product/product line the search results would be more relevant to what I am currentl...
Guest over 7 years ago in Search 1 Unlikely to implement

Integration with (native) to do apps, especially on Mobile devices

As an User I want to be fully informed about the things I have to do. With tasks stored in so many places, including Aha, it's difficult to keep track of them. I would like to have them available on one place, preferable on my mobile phone. I use ...
Guest over 9 years ago in To-dos 5 Unlikely to implement

Default Release Capacity

A product owner should have the OPTION to configure a default release capacity at a product level. Teams on an iterative release cycle are likely to have a similar capacity release to release.
Guest over 9 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Show Initiative time frame in Feature selection

When picking an Initiative on Feature, the time frame set for the product's initiative is not shown next to the initiative in the select list. This become difficult to know you are selecting the correct initiative on the feature if initiatives are...
Guest over 5 years ago in Application 0 Unlikely to implement

Disable notifications

On occasions, I have had to change the status of a release back to open and then close it again. This resends the release to everyone subscribed. I would like to be able to disable sending a notifications for this type of maintenance.
Rob Bedeaux over 9 years ago in Releases 1 Unlikely to implement

Click outside of the "Edit data" box to get out of the pivot chart editing screen

Often times, I accidentally click "edit data" while in the pivot chart view and would have to click on the small x in the upper right to access the rest of the page. This improvement would allow for users to more quickly get out of the screen when...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement