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Share whiteboard created on a record

What is the challenge? When creating a whiteboard on a specific record, such as a Release or Feature, I am not able to share it What is the impact? I would like to get input and provide access to these whiteboards to others on the team so that the...
Terri Salie 4 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Upload banner image to customize Ideas Portal branding

What is the challenge? It's difficult to implement a basic customization, such as a banner or hero image, to the Ideas Portal without using custom CSS. Additionally, any 'img url' in custom CSS must point to an image that is hosted on a public-fac...
Guest 5 months ago in Branding 0 Future consideration

Extend dependencies on custom roadmaps

What is the challenge? The existing functionality for showing dependencies in custom roadmaps only works for "depends" but not other relationships What is the impact? If we want to visualise dependencies on custom roadmaps, we can only select eith...
Nerissa Muijs 8 months ago in Dependencies / Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Academy classes in different timezones

GOAL: Offer classes in timezones outside of North America | TIMEZONES: BST, AUS, IST.
Julie Price about 3 years ago in Training 2 Future consideration

Add the option to "select all" in filters

What is the challenge? When using filters, there isn't an option to "select all" and unselect the one you don't want. What is the impact? Time consuming when there are many options you must choose instead of a simple choose all and deselect possib...
Sherry Dockery 5 months ago in Reports / Search 2 Future consideration

Report on dates associated with delivery risks

What is the challenge? Delivery risks are a great way to keep track of work that is at risk for a variety of reasons. The challenge that arises is that there is no way to associate the addition/removal of a delivery risk with a date so I don't kno...
Justin Waldorf 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Roadmap history: Show when delivery risk flags were raised or removed

Who would benefit? Product teams tracking delivery risks What impact would it make? Teams often need to understand not just what records are currently at risk, but when the risk was raised (and by whom, when relevant) and when the risk was mitigat...
Reilly O'Connor 11 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Bulk load a list of requirements or To Do assignments

What is the challenge? Have long lists of requirements or To Dos to add to a feature card or project; including the assigned person, requirement name, description, and the due date. What is the impact? Save data entry time for project management D...
Carolee Snarr about 1 month ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Sync To Do lists with Micrsoft Planner

What is the challenge? I want to work out of one to do list, but have other tasks outside of Aha that I track in Mircosoft Planner as it is tied to my meetings. What is the impact? I'm not as easily updating tasks and information in Aha. Describe ...
Hillary D about 1 month ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Ability to edit reports linked from the organization detail page

What is the challenge? When I click on an organization (that created or voted on an idea) there is a standard report with the total number of ideas, votes, and proxy votes and a pie chart + bar chart. When I click on a link from the bar chart to s...
Eliza Crawford about 1 month ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration