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Custom Field Multiple Select

Call up multiple select with users from Aha. We need the ability to select who the idea owner is from the Aha! users. Having the ability to create a custom field that can pull up users would allow us to do this easily. This also relates to cloning...
Guest about 10 years ago in Application 1 Shipped

Idea detail pages for Notebooks

We often use Aha to work with clients and need to explain ideas to a wider audience and would live to be able to add an idea detail to a notebook similar to how you can add a feature detail to a notebook. Thanks!
Guest about 10 years ago in Presentations 0 Shipped

Show open feature on feature board

When a feature is open in the drawer on the feature, highlight the feature on the board so it is clear which feature is opened. This would help keep your place when working down through a list of features.
Chris Waters about 10 years ago in Features 0 Shipped

Force Status field to be in sync with Jira

The recommendation of keeping Status as a one way sync from Jira makes Aha! reports silently unreliable, as Aha! and Jira status will diverge if somebody touches a record "by mistake". If I set it to two-way sync, transitions not allowed by Jira m...
Daniel Hirschberg about 5 years ago in Jira 1 Shipped

Feature status in Goals section

I like how you have added feature status visibility in the Initiatives section when features are linked to Initiatives. It would be great to see the same when features are displayed within Goals.
Guest over 10 years ago in  1 Shipped

Merge / Remove Tag Values

I added a multiple choice tag custom field to the project, for names of R&D Owners for each feature. I thought our users (PM's) would use it carefully and would enter the names of Scrum Masters correct and only once. I ended up with having 2-4...
Guest over 10 years ago in Application 3 Shipped

Use feature estimate in pivot chart

It would be great if we could use feature estimate or other metrics in the pivot chart instead of feature count. As not all features are equal in size / importance.
Chris Waters over 10 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped

Sum of Estimate in pivot Table

Can you add a feature where it would be possible to use a sum of estimate inside pivot table report ?
Guest over 10 years ago in  0 Shipped

Conditional Assigning to Idea to a Person

Our organization has a change management team, so any changes to the flow or journey of our software needs to go through this process. Ideally, if an idea is submitted that meets the specific criteria (i.e Category = Operational Change, etc.) we'd...
Tyler Snyder about 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

Aha API - Get Feature links (dependencies)

Is there any way to get feature links from the API, specifically dependencies / related features? This would be really useful, since there's no way to visualise dependencies in Aha I'd like to be able to extract them.
Guest over 10 years ago in Dependencies 0 Shipped