I work in a wider product team with around 8 delivery teams. I have added a tag to show which team is assigned what work, but it would be useful to be able to plot out the roadmap showing team assignment - eg show what things are assigned to what ...
almost 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Filter activity by activity type... and follow up with comments easily :)
It would be great to have access to more filters in my activity tab. With That I could filter by "comments" and "where you are referred", that would create a feed with everything that I need to give feedback!
Show features as exceeding workflow capacity, rather than automatically pushing them out of a release
It would be helpful if, rather than pushing feature cards into the next release, features appeared as red or errored when they exceed workflow capacity for a release. This way these features that were never manually moved won't suddenly disappear ...
Micaela Heck
almost 9 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
Ability to link idea submissions to business cases
I know I can add a custom field and put in a url or location to a business case after it has been produced, but I would like a way to prompt the idea submitter to be prompted to download and link to a business case template (and then upload or lin...
Jesse Stein
almost 9 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
Add field for "Original" or "Primary" Assignee for features
When we create a feature that becomes work for a developer in JIRA, we assign the ticket to a primary/original developer. When the work is done the ticket is assigned for code review and then again for QA. What gets lost is who the primary/origina...
Cy Caine
almost 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
The colored features tags that appear at the features board are linked to the default "Tags" property. I would like to configure fixed values for "Tags" property.
almost 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Show also the related features name instead of the related feature link.
If I add a Bug Fix related with an existing feature I would like to link the bug fix to the feature and see both names at features list.
almost 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Ability to create a release without a release date
Sometimes, we want to create a release board (separate from the backlog) to start planning a release/grouping features. We don't know the release date until later. Rather than create a fake date (which can cause this to get lost in other releases)...
about 9 years ago
in Releases
Already exists