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Change close detail button on Requirements Sub-section box

This is not a must have but the UX made me feel like I was going to delete the requirement, not close the sub-section detail.
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement


Integrate Aha! with ProcessMaker.
Chris Waters over 7 years ago in Wanted 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow the workflow of the idea to drive the visibility in the portal

Ideally, I think the visibility should really be controlled by the workflow status. If any status is set to be visible in portal then the all ideas tagged to that status shall also be visible.
Guest over 7 years ago in  0 Unlikely to implement

Don't allow reviewers to edit watch list

Currently a reviewer can login, click to a feature, and add themselves as a watcher to the feature. When doing this, they have the ability to edit and update the entire watch list, including removing users that have already been set as watchers. T...
Guest over 7 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Unlikely to implement

Add "resource constrained by" record link relationship type

In the universal dependency record link creation, it would be valuable to have an additional link type to indicate that an item isn't blocked from a technical or development perspective but that we just can't get to it yet based on current resourc...
Dru Clegg over 7 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

way I can have a “check mark” next to my shipped items on the roadmap (custom view) rather than a green symbol that displays shipped

Easy on the eyes, Useful for internal and external partners to read and differentiate projects. No different from adding product status on roadmap, instead you get the option to add a symbol "check mark"
Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Feature board - Allow rows to visually display features and other work items in multiple sections on a single board view

On my trello-like features board, i have broken down releases (columns) into quarters (Q1, Q2, etc). so, i have one 'release' that is named "Q3 2017". Within that release, I have a list of 'features'. I'd like to group the 'features' into actual g...
Preston Rutherford over 7 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Redirect "Request Demo" Or "Talk to an Expert" Link to an internal team's email

It would be helpful to redirect the "Request Demo" Or "Talk to an Expert" link to an internal Aha team versus Aha's support site. As a larger organization, we would like to onboard all teams in a consistent manner versus some new users redirected ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Detailed Strategy Roadmap to work on initiative prioiritizing and scheduling but with on-the-spot information.

The strategy roadmap (image with purple bars) have a great ability to freely move bars around for scheduling and freely extend/shrink the bars for time adjustments. However, when this roadmap is in the meeting room with a larger number of people o...
Guest over 7 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Ability to Send Custom Field Notfications to Watchers

We would like the ability to send notification based on the content in the field. Ex: If the priority is urgent, send a notification to my manager and all watchers. If the request is not urgent, it will be send to all watchers but NOT my manager. ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Unlikely to implement