What is the challenge? Frameworks can be quite complicated. For example, the Aha! Framework breaks down to 3 levels of granularity and as business processes go, it's pretty simple and clean. Bigger organisations are complex systems with many movin...
Steve Dagless
6 months ago
in Application
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Find history for a specific field which is not currently displayed on the history page What is the impact? Impacts history search to be easier when a lot of fields and history records are present Describe your idea Altough f...
Nicola Rolando
6 months ago
in Search
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We are using the admin message as a change log to provide customers a history of what is going on behind the scenes with an idea until it becomes a feature. Updates to the admin message do not provide a notification to the v...
Jerimiah Rudden
10 months ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Stop remembering my last search on the "Backlog management" page
What is the challenge? Every time I navigate to the Develop > Team > Backlog management page, the page is blank. It's blank because the page is remembering the last search I made. What is the impact? It's confusing. Takes me a minute to real...
Nathaniel Collum
10 months ago
in Backlogs / Features
Future consideration
What is the challenge? I use whiteboard for collaborative work. What is the impact? Having to come out of the Whiteboard to show a document breaks the thought process Describe your idea If we could add a document into a whiteboard that opens when ...
10 months ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Ability to do subtotals in Pivot tables (in addition to Grand Total as it is today)
For ex: if we have a dollar value (numeric custom field) associated with each release, let's say it's the release cost - I would like to be able to add up all release costs per each product (sub-totals) in the same product line, in addition to the...
about 7 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Ability to save a baseline of a strategy roadmap to see history of changes
What is the challenge? I need to be able to see the history of changes to the dates of initiatives on a roadmap by saving a baseline at a point in time and then tracking the changes to those dates. What is the impact? I'm unable to see how often a...
3 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Double-clicking folder should expand it (in My Documents)
What is the challenge? Using a small arrow to expand What is the impact? Time lost while navigating Describe your idea Double-click folder should expand it (in My Documents)
3 months ago
in My work
Future consideration
GOAL: Provide a guided tour with hands-on activities for how to set up your initial workspace configuration | CLASS MATERIAL IDEAS: Walk through end-to-end basic setup steps of company parent line with product workspaces, Hands-on activities with ...
Matt Case
about 3 years ago
in Training
Future consideration
GOAL: Offer training on Aha! Develop | CLASS MATERIAL IDEAS: Capacity planning, Extensions, Methodology use cases: Sprint planning, Kanban workflow board, ...
Julie Price
about 3 years ago
in Training
Future consideration