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swimlane shortcuts on Develop Board

Please can you add an open / close all function for the swimlanes on the develop board. It's really tedious to have to do it all by hand. Azure devops for example has some keyboard shortcuts for it.
Mike Lowery almost 2 years ago in Sprints 0 Future consideration

Exclude filtered records from WIP limit count

When I filter out features the board still has the feature count in the column, if you only work with requirements and want to add WIP limits, then the extra "hidden" data types still count towards that limit and show up in the column totals. Hide...
Mike Lowery almost 2 years ago in Workflow boards 2 Future consideration

WIP Limits For Epic/Feature Kanban

What is the challenge? We want to use WIP Limits to accelerate delivery, but there is no way to do that on the Workflow views What is the impact? We have to count Epics/Features to see if we're exceeding our WIP limits Describe your idea Allow an ...
Lorena Connolly 12 months ago in Workflow boards 0 Future consideration

Make it easier to add custom styling to an extension

I like that you can style extensions using CSS-in-JSS libraries but it would be great to support pure CSS for simple things. Could extensions support some kind of webpack-style loader so I can directly import CSS/Sass/PostCSS?
Justin Weiss almost 4 years ago in Development / Extensions 0 Future consideration

Create a 'Sprint' field

I would like the ability to create, assign and manage sprints within a release, and link features to the sprint. Currently, I set sprints up as Phases within a release to do this. The issues with this workaround are: I cannot link a Phase from Aha...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Sprints 2 Already exists

Track key metrics over multiple releases

We like weekly product roadmapping digest from Aha. We are looking for ways to create weekly/bi-weekly reports that tracks additional metrics such as sprint/release velocity, point burndowns, etc. and how these metrics are trending over time from ...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Agile reports / Reports 3 Future consideration

Fix cycle time calculations in Develop for Kanban

There is a fundamental flaw in how you calculate cycle time in develop. It calculated from the 1st in progress step on the workflow. If you rigidly follow each step then it would work fine, but in Kanban you can skip steps if they don't apply. You...
Mike Lowery almost 2 years ago in Workflow boards 0 Future consideration

See features added to a sprint

Work moves in and out of my sprints day-by-day. I want a way to see only what's been added to the sprint so I can understand why they're not converging to their ideal state.
Jeff Tucker about 3 years ago in Agile reports / Sprints 0 Already exists

AWS CodeCommit Integration

Similar use case to the GitHub integration Being able to tie the work to code commits and pull requests
DataGuy about 3 years ago in Extensions / Integrations 0 Future consideration

Track the event "Move to Prioritized backlog" in the feature history

As a PM I'm interested in knowing when exactly a technical item (created in Aha! Develop) was moved to the parking lot because I want to know how long it took since the team refined the idea until it was assigned to a sprint
Victor Herrera about 2 years ago in Sprints 0 Future consideration