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review updates to strategy

When working with the Strategy components or Product overview, I often want to make tentative adjustments to critical bits but am afraid either somebody will notice and be confused or unhappy, or nobody will notice. With a distributed team focused...
Guest over 9 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

Duplicate & Link as one step

I want to hit 1 button to duplicate & link, because it's sllloooowww to duplicate a feature and link it to it's original when I have to do it to a lot of features.
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Sync release milestone to a Calendar

I want to be able to see my milestones on my calendar, and I want the calendar entry to be synchronized with my release timeline. If I change it in either place, I only have to do it one time.
Guest over 9 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Feature reporting to determine how long a feature is in each "phase" i.e. Idea to backlog to shipped

We would like to track how long each feature is within each stage of the customer workflow. For example Feature A took 30 days in Backlog, 20 days in Concepting, 5 Days in Development and 10 days in Ready to Ship. In future we want to attach money...
Suzanne Vaughan over 9 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Integrate with DropTask

DropTask is a project management tool from the same team as Trello. So, just like Trello it'd be handy to push tasks to and pull tasks from it. Basically I'm just putting this on your radar. We're just starting to investigate it ourselves. Here's ...
Guest over 9 years ago in Integrations / Wanted 3 Will not implement

Reviewer users should be able to change a feature's (or requirement's) up to a certain point

For example, We may have our engineering team (or QA team) in Aha! as "reviewers" and we would like them to participate in escalating status - such as: Engineer would say "In Development" when they start, and "Development Complete" when done. Then...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 3 Will not implement

Deleting a feature or requirement should delete the linked Jira issue(s)

When I delete a feature or a requirement in Aha!, I then have to go to Jira and delete the corresponding epic or story. Would love it if deleting a feature in Aha! deleted the linked epic in Jira and all stories for that epic. Likewise, deleting a...
Guest over 9 years ago in Jira 11 Will not implement

Feature card drag and drop on Details board

When creating and editing features, the Details board is often the most useful view. The one thing I can't do here is drag feature cards to set their relative priority. We aren't using Score consistently enough to be able to Order by Score.
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 4 Already exists

Clone Ideas and features across multiple products

Many times we come up with ideas that is related to multiple product like .com and mobile. It would be awesome if we could associate one feature and /or idea to multiple products using cloning.
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Custom Fields Permissions

When creating custom fields for ideas or features we need ability to select which user group has rights to edit it. We created a field named owners, with multiple select options from which a product owner can select several names of people that ow...
Guest over 9 years ago in Account settings 6 Unlikely to implement