When creating and editing features, the Details board is often the most useful view. The one thing I can't do here is drag feature cards to set their relative priority. We aren't using Score consistently enough to be able to Order by Score.
I have had this problem for a LONG time... and thanks @Chris because I switched to a different order then back to 'rank' and now it works! Woo hooooo!!
Hmm, I can’t get it to work. I’ve got Order by set to Rank, but when I try to drag a card, my mouse just starts a selection (see the screenshot). Is there a dragging handle I’m not seeing?
Actually you can already drag features in rank order on the details board. The only caveat is that the list of features on the left must be ordered by "Rank" for dragging to work (use the "Order by" control at the top of the list).
I have had this problem for a LONG time... and thanks @Chris because I switched to a different order then back to 'rank' and now it works! Woo hooooo!!
Curious. I am not able to reproduce this problem. If you switch to a different order, then switch back to Rank does it start working?
How about if you refresh the screen?
Hmm, I can’t get it to work. I’ve got Order by set to Rank, but when I try to drag a card, my mouse just starts a selection (see the screenshot). Is there a dragging handle I’m not seeing?
Actually you can already drag features in rank order on the details board. The only caveat is that the list of features on the left must be ordered by "Rank" for dragging to work (use the "Order by" control at the top of the list).