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Status Future consideration
Categories Features
Created by Robert Wood
Created on Aug 7, 2020

Show the feature rank on the feature card details

When viewing an individual feature card (especially after searching for a feature) it is easy to lose context of how important that particular feature is, since you cannot necessarily see it listed against all the other features in the feature board/report.

This makes it difficulty when discussing an item with the team to also discuss the relative priority of it, unless you manually navigate in the feature board to find the rank of the feature.

The proposal here is simply to include the feature rank as an available field on the fetaure card.

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    • Sam Ovando
      Nov 15, 2023

      Hi, I realize …

      1. “Rank” field is not something that a user sets. It is automatically set by AHA based on the visual, vertical order in which cards are placed by the user.

      2. I can see the “Rank” in a LIST report I create

      3. HOWEVER, when I want to customize FEATURE or REQUIREMENT cards, I cannot select “Rank” as a field to show up on the card.

      The visual rank helps provide me, as the user, a confirmation that a RANK/priority appears and that it is indeed the one I intend.

      Otherwise, I have nothing that confirms for me what the RANK is, other than having to create a LIST REPORT to THEN see it.

      I was on the phone this week with different people from different teams and the RANK was asked, and I couldn't confirm for them.

    • Guest
      Sep 27, 2022

      Showing rank as a field to add on your feature card would be a great way to easily see ranking on your feature board at a higher level.

    • Leigh B
      Aug 10, 2020

      Showing just the Rank number is great, but showing it as "Feature rank X of Y" so that you can see how far up or down the list each feature is would be very helpful.

    • Robert Wood
      Aug 7, 2020

      This looks a little bit like but for features. I wasn't thinking about editing the feature rank though, just being able to view it.

    10 MERGED

    Enable viewing the Epic or Feature Rank on Cards

    Our team uses the board rank for epic & feature on a daily basis, and not having it in a card makes it very hard to manage our highest value work when using card views.
    Steven Schafer almost 2 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration