Do Not Left Adjust Releases on Feature Roadmap presentation View
When displaying and sharing out the presentation view of my feature roadmap, do not left-adjust all releases on this view. Current Behavior Example: Currently have next 6 releases planned out Only want to publicly share the next 3 releases Only sh...
Allow to pull product value from feature board to idea board
Our team has been heavily using the feature board and has been placing any backlog items/ideas into the parking lot. We are now expanding our use of Aha and want to use the Idea board. So transferring all of the ideas with all of their information...
Add 'Date' in the view at 'Release>Roadmap' gantt level
We are regularly being requested by our clients can we see the dates and assigned too/tasks in the Gantt view via: Releases>Roadmap. Because we can't show the dates (we can show the letter of the day and the week start date), they then ask us t...
over 9 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
Add Release Information to an Idea Once it is Shipped.
Because we do not do continuous delivery of our product we would like the ability to add the Release Information to the ideas when the Idea has been Shipped. This would allow our customer to quickly see what Version of the product the idea has bee...
Stephen Morse
about 7 years ago
in Ideas
Already exists
We use charts to show the allocation of features to different products or other data. The items on our charts are always listed based on alphabetical order. We would like to reorder the list to group items appropriately.
about 7 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Can we add a tree (nested) view for larger portfolios for folders to nest within? Similar functionality as the move folder view? Can it also show more of the name views so it does not get truncated?
about 7 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
My team makes extensive use of Aha's workspaces, we have 20+. Each team has its own workspace, even though they all share the same process. My admin team has set up numerous automation rules (thank you for that!) in one workspace. Now, we would li...
over 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists