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Idea Portal impacting multiple impacted Aha Products

We would like the ability to have an Idea Portal be able to select multiple Idea Portals by selecting the impacted Aha Product Workspaces
Mike Jacobson almost 4 years ago in Ideas portal 4 Future consideration

Default Ideas Category

Option to Default the Ideas Category so users do not need to keep selecting most used Category.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Access Strategy Models within Populated Fields

Our teams would like to start using specific Model Templates to organize their Epics/Strategic work as the structure is more visual for strategic planning of business cases. However, you cannot connect this record type to other records nor can you...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

See multiple assignees in the Calendar view

Currently, when viewing To-Dos (I assume any other item too) on the Calendar view under releases, you cannot see multiple assignees, only the first. We often assign to-dos to multiple people as they need to complete the same activity but if they a...
Peter Whisenant almost 4 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

filter searches can be fitlered

We have multiple products within the Aha. When I want to filter an idea Name, I am not able to get to my own product since the filter gives me ALL Workspace names. Can the filters also be trimmed by the other applied filters?
Sarah Cook almost 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Improve experience when adding a record that doesn't meet the existing filter criteria

As an example, if I have filters set on the workflow board and then add a record that doesn't satisfy those filters, it's unclear why the record doesn't appear on the view. To resolve, the filters need to be removed to find the record and then det...
Craig Pflumm almost 4 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Add more details on empathy session poll responses

It would be great to have more details on the participants who respond to empathy session polls. Right now you can only see the name of the participant who voted by hovering over them. It would be really helpful to be able to report off of these r...
Erin Ward almost 4 years ago in Empathy sessions 0 Future consideration

Allow Consent to be mandatory

In the ideas portal admin area (settings/users/privacy) is the "Consent" item. Currently consent can be requested. Is it possible to make it mandatory? So that the following is forced when submitting the Idea? (see attachment). <p>By checkin...
Peter Farwell almost 4 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Allow editing of custom fields within layout builder

Currently some layouts allow you to edit custom fields within the builder. It would be very useful to have the ability to edit all custom fields while creating custom layouts.
Jessica Murray almost 4 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Be able to plot Epics across the pyramid of Innovation, Value/revenue creation, and Keeping the lights on as an alternative to the value/effort quad plot

While plotting Goals and Initiatives in the quad view of value/effort across high/low is useful, we'd also like to be able to plot or categorize Epics ( and maybe Goals) in the three-level pyramid of Innovation, Value and Keeping the Lights on. Wi...
Gordon Kent almost 8 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration