Pretty / Attractive/ Professional Looking Roadmaps
Content wise, the roadmaps that we can make in aha meets our needs pretty well. We can organize the work by goals, and themes, and by quarters. We can present status and any additional details we want to include. But, what we hear from our executi...
Viktoria Jacyno
about 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Add Estimate when configuring Feature Cards at the Product Line level
We have 20+ products, when viewing feature cards across multiple products I would like the Estimate to be visible for each - however in order to do this I now have to manually go into each product and customize the feature card since this is not a...
Jon-Paul Yuzark
about 5 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Say that you have Idea A and Idea B. You then merge Idea B into Idea A. It would be very nice if the tags, categories, and products of Idea A where applied to Idea B automatically. Some potential solutions I thought of were to have a button on the...
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Different fields required/visible at different statuses
It would be helpful to have different fields available and/or required at different statuses. So for instance there is certain information that our team wouldn't have/know until they delivered the work. The user would then see/be required to fill ...
Annika Hudson
about 2 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Ability to reflect multiple dates per feature on custom roadmaps
On the custom roadmap, although I can create custom date fields which correspond to the delivery dates of multiple platforms of a feature, I don't have the possibility to display them alltogether on Gantt view so as to have an overall view at a gl...
about 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Provide option to only show notifications for @mentions
I need a way to isolate items (initiativies, features, or requirements, etc.) that I have been @mentioned on. Right now, notifications come up for updates to watched items or others I am a participant in. I participate in a LOT of things. I need t...
In addition to the many enhancements needed to the new Prioritization feature in both Ideas and Features (submitted separately), it is critical that the prioritization that is set in one area is persistent across others. For example, when opening ...
about 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
In the scenario where you have a central Ideas portal to manage demand which may result in the building of a new product/asset, it would be hugely beneficial to be able to promote an idea to a workspace (so that a new workspace is created from the...
Rachel Fitton
about 2 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Managing a large pool of seats is time consuming. Instead of trimming a list we'd like to define who can use the paid seat and then pay for a concurrent limit. So say we have 250 people in portfolio management (which could be defined by HR job rol...
Keith Mantell
about 4 years ago
Unlikely to implement