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Improve the link between release templates and the actual release

I would like to have a link between the release template and the release which I then create with this template. Sometimes I realize changes when working on refining the release phases. Then it would be great to have the ability to update both, th...
Guest over 8 years ago in Releases 1 Unlikely to implement

We need to be able to set milestone times as well as dates

In our milestones, we have a need to indicate time as well as date. Are there any plans for this?
Dan Curis over 8 years ago in Releases 3 Unlikely to implement

Auto-Update Release Phases in Template to New Release

Once a template with release phases is created, the release phases in that template will automatically adjust their dates to fit within the date range of a release using the template.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Releases 2 Unlikely to implement

when a requirement is added as a dependency to a feature, it should show up as a requirement

We often want to link one requirement to multiple features by making a requirement dependent on multiple features. However, when we make this link we are only able to see the requirement under the related to tab
Guest almost 3 years ago in Dependencies 0 Unlikely to implement

Users should be prevented from moving Features to releases for products in which they are only a Viewer or Reviewer

Current behavior: If a user is a product owner or contributor for a product, they are able to move a feature for that product to another release for a product in which they are only a Reviewer or Viewer. Desired behavior: Users should be prevented...
Matt Case over 8 years ago in Features 4 Unlikely to implement

Empathy Mapping

Our business is continuing to evolve our product management process and have introduced Empathy Mapping to augment the personas to gain a better understanding of our clients problems and what we are trying to solve for. It would be helpful to have...
Steve Podzamsky over 5 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Link ideas to initiatives

at the moment it looks like ideas can only be promoted or reverse-promoted into initiatives. I'd like to see that ideas can be linked to initiatives, so that if we consider tasks for an initiative those ideas show up
Guest over 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Include Scorecard configuration for voting in the ideas portal

I would like to include a slimmed down version of the feature scorecard in the ideas portal so I can extract more use case information of the idea which will help me score it at the feature level.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Ideas 1 Unlikely to implement

Integration with Team Support

Provide integration between Team Support (enhancement requests) and Aha (Ideas).
Matthew Monahan almost 6 years ago in Integrations 0 Unlikely to implement

Ability to set a System Time Zone

At the moment the Time Zone is set on a User by User basis and this cannot be amended by an Admin. This has resulted in having users in both a London GMT Zone and Central American Time Zones. Which is making it difficult to track when Ideas have b...
Luke Hanson over 8 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement