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Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Releases
Created by Dan Curis
Created on Jul 22, 2016

We need to be able to set milestone times as well as dates

In our milestones, we have a need to indicate time as well as date. Are there any plans for this?

    Jul 26, 2016

    Thank you for the note. The best workaround for this would be to leverage the description fields and/or custom fields to communicate further details regarding specific times.

    We currently do not have plans for updates in this area in the short term based on current priorities. We hope you can understand.

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  • Guest
    Jul 26, 2016

    The work around you suggest is one that we have tried, but it does not solve for the dependencies.  As soon as something pushes, the user then has to update all the subsequent phase descriptions with updated times.  This becomes quite cumbersome.

  • Guest
    Jul 22, 2016

    not just milestones, but phases too - to be able to put start and end times.

  • Guest
    Jul 22, 2016

    business case: we want to set milestones of when the release is deploying to various environments which happen at specific times of day.