I really like the VSTS integration 2.0, however could you add Area Path to the list of available fields that can be mapped to. This would be useful as in VSTS we use Area Path to note which dev team has picked up a feature and it would be great to...
Allow pie charts to fully display in a smaller sized panel within Dashboards
It seems like whenever a pie chart has been added to a dashboard, you need to expand the panel until the full chart is visible. There also seems to be a lot of white space in the chart background. It would be great if this could be reduced.
Shumona Raha
almost 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Filter capabilities on the Integration Update Import screen
As one Product Owner of a very large product that has a lot of product owners, I would like more filter capabilities on the Integration Updates import screen so that I can only see items that pertain to my portion of the backlog. This request is s...
Allow automation emails to be sent to non-user addresses
What is the challenge? We have centralized Product teams who prefer to monitor a shared inbox for idea submissions rather than their personal emails. What is the impact? Slower reaction to idea submission, confusion as to who has seen the submissi...
5 months ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement
Notification when a user at an account creates an Idea
What is the challenge? I have some important customers. When they create an Idea, I need to know so that I can discuss it with them before they blindside me on a call. What is the impact? The Ideas portal is great for end users, product managers, ...
5 months ago
in Application
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Highlight Market Areas What is the impact? Better Visibility for Growth potential Describe your idea have a template per country to highlight market areas etc.
10 months ago
in Presentations
Future consideration