As we are building more and more reports across teams and product/product lines, the 'Shared Report' section is getting quite messy and it is becoming increasingly difficult to know which report is which with nothing to go on but the name. This is...
Joe Carpenter
about 9 years ago
in Reports
What is the challenge? In some cases, it can take up to 60 seconds for custom layouts to load. Any time I need to make a change to a layout, it takes forever just to load the page. What is the impact? The long loading times hurt productivity. Desc...
Currently you are able to send features to Trello from Aha and their status will be updated as they are moved in Trello. However comments and attachments that are added to Trello cards/features do not move to Aha. Enabling this feature would allow...
Support filtering to reports on idea portals without publishing the report as a shared web page
Who would benefit? Field organizations using internal idea portals to submit proxy votes on behalf of customers and reviewing customer enhancement requests by organizations in reports published to idea portal pages. What impact would it make? The ...
We have a need to have a global ranking among our initiatives across products & product lines. Today there is no good way in Aha! to have a forced ranking among the portfolio initiatives. Sorting initiatives based on e.g. score doesn't help ei...
Marcus Gadré
over 8 years ago
in Strategy
Reporting on notes would be valuable for supporting the maintenance of a large scale knowledge base. Suggested fields include the following: Note / header name Parent header (if nested) Created by Created on Last updated by Last updated on (e.g. m...
Matt Case
almost 5 years ago
in Notes / Reports
Include dashboard Text Panels in the View only permissions
What is the challenge? Users that do not have a Roadmap license are able to edit Text Panels on View only dashboards What is the impact? Text panel information is being deleted by users that we can't track because that data doesn't show in the Acc...
As a product manager, I'd like to be able to show all assignable items not just Features and To-do's on the My Work views -- and be able to filter by user.
It would be great to also be able to configure it so that a user can choose which assignabl...
Scott Goldblatt
almost 8 years ago
in My work
We use lean canvas (business model) as a way of expressing the value of an idea - we then track the lean canvas model from when it was created through to approval an on a product roadmap at which point we would create an initiative. To help us tra...
Victoria Poole
about 6 years ago
in Reports