Allow Annual and "child" Quarterly Goals in a workspace
At my company, we have both annual and quarterly goals that we need to add to AHA tickets. At this time, Goals are a flat list. We would like to have a way to create Annual and child quarterly goals in the strategy tab of our workspace, and have t...
Jean Cote
about 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Improve text editing experience to support Shift+DEL to cut text.
It drives me CRAZY that, in your text editor fields, you support Ctrl+V and Shift+Ins(ert) to paste text, support Ctrl+C to copy, and Ctrl+V to paste, but do NOT support Shift+DEL to CUT. What makes it worse is, the text IS REMOVED from the edit f...
Steve Ives
about 4 years ago
Future consideration
When testing the Zendesk sidebar app with Aha!, I have noticed that the "Create Idea" button will allow multiple submissions of the same idea. Can this be prevented? We would like to ensure that this particular integration will not cause accidenta...
I would like to be able to send email notifications to non-users of the application when something (like the status of Release) changes.
Use Case: I have key stakeholders that need to know when a Release changes state. They don't necessarily need...
Joe Carpenter
over 8 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
We would like the ability to add assignees to requirements during import. Currently, this is not available and it is a very manual process to add assignees to features that have many requirements.
over 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Descriptions (on Epics, Workspaces, etc) are often limited in size and require expansion by pressing Show More. Users reading key pages may miss valuable information by failing to click Show More. ASK: Provide a querystring keyword (i.e. ?expandDe...