The evenly spaced timeline in the Feature > Roadmap view can result in a lot of wasted space if releases are spread out over a long period. This makes it difficult to out put a notebook that fits the view comfortably on an 8.5 x 11 page. It wou...
Steve Matthews
about 8 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
Enable automated tagging based on keywords in submitted secrets. This would allow the team to quickly sift through categorized ideas. For example, if the team has elected to not entertain a feature referring to x idea, when x is mentioned in an id...
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Allow Jira Epics to be Linked to Multiple Aha! Epics
My organization uses Jira to track development work. We create Roadmaps for leadership to track progress. Jira Epics and linked to the Aha! Epics on said Roadmaps. Occasionally we will have one Jira Epic that will relate to multiple Aha! Epics in ...
over 2 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
Submit only ideas portal -- terminology cannot be changed on submitted screen
When using a submit only ideas portal there is part of the terminology which cannot be edited. This is inconsistent as all other areas of the ideas portal can have their terminology changed. The specific text is "It has been allocated identifier" ...
Option to one button click to expose epics to Idea Portals to get market feedback (especially for parking lot epics)
As a Product Manager, I want to copy an existing epic and paste it in the customer-facing Idea Portal so that I can get customer feedback on it in the form of votes.
The why:
For many existing epics that are residing in the Parking Lot, it would b...
about 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
We are sending updates to Teams via outbound webhook from Aha
The specific project impacts about three products, but is not the only project driving features in those products.
Would like to be able to filter which events are sent to the webhook o...
Julian Elve
over 5 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
It is not currently possible to map to Rally calculated fields in the integration with Aha! Roadmaps, but it would be useful to be able to do so (for example, to map to a field that calculates).
Russell Glenn
almost 3 years ago
in Rally
Future consideration
Add ability to assign persona custom fields via bulk edit
Would like to have the ability to assign one or more personas to features, via bulk edit, instead of having to do them one-by-one.
Comes in handy when creating new personas and wanting to associate them with multiple features.
Sufian Siddiqi
over 5 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Shipping a Release should automatically ship features that are "ready to ship"
We have shipped releases where all the features were marked ready to ship and thought they were all shipped, only to discover later they were still in a "ready to ship" state, which adversely affected our reporting.
Aron Seidman
over 8 years ago
in Releases
Already exists